Reluctance To Share

MON., SEPT. 12, 1988, 6:59 AM

Every now and again I, the Holy Spirit, must give you some guidance in relation to the sharing of these Teachings. You are generally reluctant to share what I offer you in direct, verbal form. On the other hand, when you write a Ruminations you write as if everyone is going to accept these Teachings as the basic material from which you construct the letter. And this is as it should be.

Yes, I still say that it is appropriate for you to be reluctant to share with most other people. The number of volumes you have and the time over which you have received these… and the number of Ruminations you have composed and sent out are only mildly impressive. One of the standards of credibility in your culture is something lasts and lasts. (You did read the introduction to a book detailing spiritual happenings in eleven days, but I say to you that more time is necessary.) So you must be faithful in this coming to a time of Teaching. You know, by now, that I am ever ready to give you insights and admonitions whenever and wherever you come. My first and natural request, then, is that you continue to hear and receive what I offer, as often as you are willing… about as you are doing this year.

I approve, of course, of your willingness to hear Me quite regularly when you are away from home. This symbolizes your dependence on Me and your willingness to “give” an hour, so that I may give. Many people who might start such a “venture” as this would not persist, particularly when situations are not familiar.

Yet you must recognize one basic principle of human nature, which works against success in sharing. Your faithfulness in doing what most people, even most Christians, would not do can reduce the feeling of identification which helps with communication. If someone sees you as too different from himself he becomes more reluctant to let you share what you have received.

The counter to this is that one of the marks of an authority is someone who does more than the ordinary. So there can be this struggle between lack of identification and “the mantle of authority,” and I want you to beware of this. This is why I urge you to continue to publish and to be active professionally and in the church and community. Even so, I know that “present day mystics” are rarely accepted. You are doing rather well, actually.

It is important that your reluctance to share be for the “right reasons.” One of these major “right reasons” is the desire that these words from Me, whom you know as the Holy Spirit, not be disparaged because of your inability to present them well. Your reluctance to paraphrase and quote generally is appropriate. The cure for this is spending more time and effort in reading past Teachings. Another reasonably good reason is not wanting to break a relationship with too sharp a challenge to a person’s present faith and understanding. A mediocre reason is your desire not to be identified as a religious freak OR as one straying too far from the Christian fold. I do not want you to be seen as one “apart,” but some amount of sacrifice for Me is desirable. A delicate balance.

You have been considering that your next Ruminations might have as its focus the Teachings I have offered you on this trip. My only reluctance is in this not forcing you to a review of a range of past Teachings (and this is part of the process for you). Countering this is the potential for a testimony to My capacities as you travel, with observations on your very current experiences. (You see that I am a two-handed Spirit… at least!)

MON., SEPT. 12, 1988, 6:59 AM

Every now and again I, the Holy Spirit, must give you some guidance in relation to the sharing of these Teachings. You are generally reluctant to share what I offer you in direct, verbal form. On the other hand, when you write a Ruminations you write as if everyone is going to accept these Teachings as the basic material from which you construct the letter. And this is as it should be.

Yes, I still say that it is appropriate for you to be reluctant to share with most . . .

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