Remember Back? A Pledge…

SUN., MAR. 17, 1996, 10:05 PM

This morning We could have “rolled back the calendar” not quite 17 years, and you’re driving the same highway, the one from Carbondale to the Farm. Then you were making a fervent prayer request for a lost manuscript, and you pledged a month of early morning meditations. The manuscript was found (miraculously, it seemed), and the next morning you began the fulfillment of your pledge. Today as you came home the prayer was for the cattle to be in the pasture (rather than “broken out”), with a pledge of a Teaching today. Well, they were in the pasture, and here you are. You expected to be closer to having these exams read, but the call from Jane was unexpected, long, but very worthwhile. Wisely, you put them aside in order to fulfill your pledge. As you said to Jane, “All I have to be is faithful”.

I could tell you that, yes, I did control those animals, with the bale of good hay as a help, and deserved your Thanks. I also could tell you that… but I won’t. Thanks for the appreciation, deserved or not so.

You are experiencing the satisfaction that comes when Jane, who appreciates what you and I do together, calls and tells how your letter and the Teachings you enclosed were helpful to her. She did have a bad time, and you, even if you’re not much of a counselor, were the person she needed to help her out of the dark spot she was in. And I was able to be of help, through you, a way that I often utilize.

This has been a good day for you, with various accomplishments. You did waste a bit of time on the newspaper, but most of the day was productive. You are enjoying the varied music rather than the television being on almost constantly, and, again, I hear your hope that you won’t end this relatively active and productive earth life in mindless TV watching. I’ll do what I can… wanna make a pledge?

The Scriptural story that was the basis for Richard’s sermon this morning is an odd one. Jacob (the “hero”) was aptly described as one who would not seem worthy of what I was to bestow upon him. He was not your “perfect born-again Christian” when this story took place. It indicates that he wrestled all night with “a man”. It’s usually assumed that this “man” was an angel, one with considerable strength and endurance… a match for Jacob, anyway. However Jacob finally proclaims that he was wrestling with Me, as God, and out of this came his request for a blessing. So was I actually there, or was the angel a “good substitute”? I say that in this case it doesn’t matter.

Jacob ended up with a “muu-muu” hip, and so, with yours in pain and in dysfunction, you identified with him. Otherwise you don’t find him to be a patriarch to be proud of. So the title, “The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob” means little to you, seeming like quite a minor designation. I of course have told you, without detail, of My concern for many other folk, who perceive Me and worship Me in quite a diverse bunch of ways. But consider this as just knowledge, no reason for you to (10:46 / 10:53) move away from your Christian faith, particularly the interpretation to which I’m guiding you.

This afternoon you watched a piece on Mohammed Ali, perhaps the best heavyweight boxer of all time. He now is crippled, particularly in regard to communication, in a way you certainly wouldn’t want to be. Yet he does much for other people, some in great need, confident that these deeds will earn him a place in heaven. Grace is not as important to Muslims, even thought they believe that I, as Allah, still can choose or not choose. Of course many Christians would not concur with your strong acceptance of grace, with actions and behaviors coming out of gratitude rather than as means to earn grace. So some of My Christians could be better Muslims!

SUN., MAR. 17, 1996, 10:05 PM

This morning We could have “rolled back the calendar” not quite 17 years, and you’re driving the same highway, the one from Carbondale to the Farm. Then you were making a fervent prayer request for a lost manuscript, and you pledged a month of early morning meditations. The manuscript was found (miraculously, it seemed), and the next morning you began the fulfillment of your pledge. Today as you came home the prayer was for the cattle to be in the pasture (rather than “broken out”), with a pledge of . . .

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