Remember… I’m Having Fun!

WED., AUG. 20, 1997, 8:59 AM

As you and your breakfast group are well into John’s Revelations I need to remind you of an oft-forgotten characteristic of Mine – I like to have fun. That was one of My motives in insuring the inclusion of this book in Holy Scripture. It is both serious prophesy and a portrayal of mostly ridiculous images. It could be called a “sacred cartoon”.

I knew, of course, that many people, down through the ages, would take this disconnected tale quite seriously and would propose many meanings for the images. This is almost as humorous as the Book itself. It’s kind of an ancient version of Candid Camera, one I enjoy.

Actually you could take the news of the day… almost any day… and use it to make images such as these. News tends to focus on the harm that’s done – by nature, by modern means, and by people hurting people. The tabloid press does a “better job” of reporting events like John envisioned, but, basically peaceful, serene conditions of life are just not “news”.

You just experienced an example of another aspect of fun that I arrange or encourage (and you can never be sure what the combination might be). A knock on your door… you who have no classes coming up… and it is a former student wanting to tell you how much she appreciated the Death Education Class… 10 years ago! It is fun to bring people together for such an interchange. It isn’t dramatic, like Revelations, but it is an important aspect of human/spiritual interacting.

As this “current but late” issue of Our Ruminations (yes, it’s fun to gently remind you of your slothfulness) is sent out you see that there is room at the bottom for personal notes. Take the time to pen a few. Have fun with some special remembrances and greetings… assuming that those who receive them will do so in a comparable spirit.

Yes, o son, it is fun being Holy Spirit. I am outside of time so I have no real sense of “how long” I’ve been functioning. Just as you anticipate having trouble trying to live even a day in a timeless way (as I have challenged you to do) I have trouble becoming time-oriented. I have been “around” in the earth’s origin and in the advent of humans… but I can’t even imagine how long ago that was… in years? As I am with people in the earth, particularly those in cultures like yours that are so time oriented and conscious, I get some feel for hours… weeks… years. Still, I am doing so many different “things” “at the same time” that I can’t truly feel the reality of time. So I just have fun with it.

This that We do is a small example. I have you put the date and the day and the place where you are in hearing and writing. I also have you write down the hour and the minute of your starting time, but then have no interaction with time as you “transcribe”. At the end of this page you’ll pick up your watch and note the hour and minute of My Aloha. Usually you’ll calculate how long it took, as if this were important. I want this to be a timeless process as We do it, but I know how time conscious you are. Just remember… you’re heading for a timeless realm, so accept My encouragement to practice with this as you finally get to actual retirement.

This luncheon today will be a fun experience. Most of you in this Department do have fun in life, and you’ll miss the regular contacts. Just let it be known that you’ll still be available… that your leaving is not abrupt and complete. Why? Because it’s fun to be part of this group.

WED., AUG. 20, 1997, 8:59 AM

As you and your breakfast group are well into John’s Revelations I need to remind you of an oft-forgotten characteristic of Mine – I like to have fun. That was one of My motives in insuring the inclusion of this book in Holy Scripture. It is both serious prophesy and a portrayal of mostly ridiculous images. It could be called a “sacred cartoon”.

I knew, of course, that many people, down through the ages, would take this disconnected tale quite seriously and would propose many meanings for the images. This . . .

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