Remember… Life Is Positive!

FRI., OCT. 29, 1999, 7:06 AM

You, o son, are accepting of the fact that this earth life of yours shall not be one of further great length of years. What it can be… and what I, Holy Spirit, want it to be… is an almost purely positive era of your life. You have lived this life in quite a positive way, so this is not new to you. Yet there will be some true challenges to this positive outlook… temptations to feel sorry for yourself as you think about your losses rather than all that you still have.

This “study” room of Ours is one tangible example. It is messy… too full of “stuff”… and I repeatedly urge you to make it more neat. And then I see that much of the time you see it as a special, almost holy place. It’s positive value just overcomes these conditions that we both decry, and “it is what it is.”

You are aware of several losses as your body glides into being elderly. You compensate rather well for most of these, and it is My desire that you continue to do this. Oh, try not to walk as one who “limps,” and, then, just walk in whatever way seems natural to you, as one in the 8th decade of life (and it doesn’t… and shouldn’t… bother you to hear this designation of time.) It is a good achievement, one of which you should be proud, rather than sorry that you shall not live to some record old age. Though your Dad was quite functional into his 80’s he then lived on into his 90’s, with very little joy and appreciation. Go ahead… see it as positive that you won’t have to have such experiences.

It still is enjoyable, and comfortable, to spend some time in your small Pulliam office. You have great aloha for those years of active teaching… and the large office… but you accept that these are past (and you realize you just couldn’t push yourself to all of the responsibilities of those active years). Remember, with pleasure, your busy professional life, but now enjoy, fully, this Emeritus status, which will blend into retirement, finally. Each should be, and can be, fine portions of your whole life drama.

I urge you to be positively thankful… as you have been and are and willing to share with some others… that your earth life has not been taken from you with suddenness. Rather, you shall have what you should call a Blessing… this awareness of an approaching end to this life, with the opportunity to appreciatively contemplate this life, with its fine past and its present moments, which now call to be appreciated and “truly lived.”

It would be good if you included a bit more selected reading in your life, and, remember… re-reading these Teachings of Mine to you should be a high priority. Son John Patrick continues to lovingly translate My words to you from this handwritten form (which still is the best for you and Me) to the computer-generated printed single page. Vary your re-reading, sometime “these” and sometime “those.”

The beauty of this place is quite evident as you look out at the Fall colors, with most of the leaves beautifully “going to their death.” The leaves are annual, but the trees are perennial. And so are you. This life, as Bob Russell, is an annual. It has beauty comparable to these leaves you see before you (that “grown-up gift” from Nancy and Russ.) But within the next few weeks all of these leaves shall fall and then slowly lose their varied colors. The tree shall be bare, but when Spring returns it shall leaf out again, in splendid green.

Your life shall move on, for it, in spirit, is perennial. When this bodily form has been “used up,” the spirit shall reappear, in some new, “green” form. The “seasons” of this tree are fairly even and predictable. Your “season” are less so… some long, some less so.

FRI., OCT. 29, 1999, 7:06 AM

You, o son, are accepting of the fact that this earth life of yours shall not be one of further great length of years. What it can be… and what I, Holy Spirit, want it to be… is an almost purely positive era of your life. You have lived this life in quite a positive way, so this is not new to you. Yet there will be some true challenges to this positive outlook… temptations to feel sorry for yourself as you think about your losses rather than all that you . . .

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