Remember Your Focus

SAT., MAR. 31, 1990, 10:54 AM

I, the Holy Spirit, am pleased that you are here at this time, missing a professional session but offering the time to Me, instead. You have done much better since the Thursday Teaching in talking to people about spiritual matters, your major focus. These professional sessions, like unto the one in which you just were, are interesting to you in mild ways, but, as the title says, Remember Your Focus.

You shall not likely receive any further awards like unto those bestowed yesterday. Instead you have been selected in the task most important to you. You teach many undergraduates. This is your focus. Designing learning experiences for students in the classes you are privileged to teach is your focused role. You are not to be one who sets national policy or who spends hours of time in committee assignments. You are part of a profession that has and needs such people, but you are not to be one of these.

Increasingly it shall be better for you to spend time with individual and groups of people rather than listening to prepared sessions. Choose more carefully those you shall attend. Your main Wellspring is Human/Spiritual Interacting not intellectual attainment. You know this. I just am reminding you to remember your focus.

Your secondary focus should be your writing. You are responsible, diligent, and joyous about your Ruminations, and the positive comments you have gotten, here and elsewhere, about this last Letter certainly verifies that this is a vital contribution. You know what else I would have you do, and this Spring should be a time of some accomplishment. You must see this writing task, in its various forms, as an extension of your teaching and as another means of human/spiritual interacting.

You are aware that many professional settings are not as comfortable and ideal as the one in which you are. You are called upon to advise and help young people, particularly former students, find work settings that are more compatible with them as persons. Becky, for example, has had difficulties galore, and she must now find a new site. She is one who can have unique positive influences on the lives of some, so I want her to have opportunities for this service. Yet I am not willing to change natural courses of events to make this happen. She must simply be patient and wait for the opportunity that shall come. I am aware of her dilemma and I do want her to continue her good work in developing spirits in learners. Continue to listen and be as helpful as you can be. Yet remember that counseling and job placement are not your major focuses.

Your major focus is to keep your life balancing toward teaching, writing, work on your Farm, and relations with Lenore and your sons and family. When new opportunities are presented, assess to what extent they are part of your given focuses. If not, be wary about taking such on.

Remember, critically, that your focus is a positive one. When there is focus on problems, ill-health, misery, premature death… be one to remind others that the majority are healthy, able to deal with problems, happy, and committed to living productive lives. Matthew is an interesting example. You have tried to emphasize, in speaking about him, his positive attributes, his cheerful personality, his desire to live life in an essentially joyful way, which is contagious. He now has responsibility for much money. Think about this in positive ways, not in how it could ruin his life. Encourage him to see the opportunities in this way. I am not saying that he shall have no problems, but am saying… look first at all he is doing and being that is positive and communicate this to him. Encourage him gently, and positively toward more concern for spiritual matters. He shall begin to respond.

SAT., MAR. 31, 1990, 10:54 AM

I, the Holy Spirit, am pleased that you are here at this time, missing a professional session but offering the time to Me, instead. You have done much better since the Thursday Teaching in talking to people about spiritual matters, your major focus. These professional sessions, like unto the one in which you just were, are interesting to you in mild ways, but, as the title says, Remember Your Focus.

You shall not likely receive any further awards like unto those bestowed yesterday. Instead you have been selected in the . . .

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