
TUES., MAY 26, 1987, 6:12 AM

Yesterday was a day for remembering, and you did better than you usually do on this holiday. It is a day to remember lives that were, for awhile in the earth, and then were taken by war. Many lives have been lost in wars, and yet your personal experience with friends or family is certainly low. War has a certain glamour, particularly in retrospect, so there are satisfactions in remembering that are greater than those of deaths caused by famine or malnutrition, by disease, or by accidents.

You cannot remember the day or circumstances of your birth or even of your early childhood. You have heard the stories and seen pictures, and these stand in the stead of personal memories. So you know that there was a birth on this day some specific number of years ago, and this was yours. You also know that your spirit has had experiences in the earth before that, but there are no specific memories… not even pictures. Yet you do have mind pictures that do not fit remembered experiences, so just be aware that remembering has many forms and modes.

You shall continue the conversations with your parents, which shall be a combination of their remembering the of observations each can make about life after more than four score years in these lives. Set this as one of your priorities for next week – reviewing the tapes you have now, noting what you have that is good, and putting down what you want to record during this visit. I want you to move into more spiritual matters, for their benefit as well as the taped record. This taping is a means of stimulating both thought and spiritual “action,” so use it for the values it has… and enjoy the process as well.

Remembering is not an experience that I, the Holy Spirit, have. I am outside of earth time, and I know everything simultaneously, so there is no distinction between post and present experiences. I also have knowledge of the “future”, which is not exact in detail but which effectively makes what will be part of what is.
6:53 / 6:56
Thus, I have no need for remembering, but I understand how and why it is important for humans.

The Clan story made you aware of different qualities of remembering. Because your rational mind is so dominant, and because your work is in an aspect of the earth that values this mind highly (and overvalues at times), you are almost prevented from remembering in other ways. You may hear a song that elicits memories, but your mind struggles to remember details and circumstances that will give this rational acceptance. Consider also that some music or some picture… even a mind picture… or some other sound or an odor may stimulate remembering of a non-rational sort, even memories in spirit. I encourage you to broaden your remembering to such experiences.

TUES., MAY 26, 1987, 6:12 AM

Yesterday was a day for remembering, and you did better than you usually do on this holiday. It is a day to remember lives that were, for awhile in the earth, and then were taken by war. Many lives have been lost in wars, and yet your personal experience with friends or family is certainly low. War has a certain glamour, particularly in retrospect, so there are satisfactions in remembering that are greater than those of deaths caused by famine or malnutrition, by disease, or by accidents.

You cannot remember the . . .

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