Remembering A Promise

MON., MAY 11, 1998, 12:31 PM

It was 19 years ago yesterday that I gave you the “adventure with the manuscript.” It was quite evident to you that the writing you had done was lost, somehow, somewhere, and you were beginning to feel panic. So you made a pledge to Me, Who you trusted… a promise to give the first waking hour of each day, for a month, to “writing.” You expected it to be about like it had been some 15 years before… some expressions of thought in a meditative mode, that you would write down.

And so the title on this date 19 years ago was “Here Beginneth”, the commencement of much more than you expected. For I, Holy Spirit, was calling you, in a unique way, even for Me. It was a small, insignificant “miracle” (by miracle standards), but I got you to “not notice” the manuscript on that kitchen bench, and then, in your panic I got you to remember that brief time of early morning writing in your Sanctuary on Casanueva Pl. I was guiding you toward what I wanted for you, but it was, finally, a combination of this guidance and your thoughts and actions. It wasn’t pure “free will”, but I let your will prevail when it was “going My way.”

Sometime today or tomorrow I want you to reread those writings (“pre”-Teachings) that I guided just enough to give you some satisfaction and a sense that your promise was an appropriate one. Then, in the days that follow re-read your writings up to May 20. This is all part of your second and most important born-again experience, and I want you to retain as clear a remembrance as possible. You may have more opportunities to tell this story in the future, so I want you to remember it well. It wasn’t as dramatic as some more Pentecostal experiences, but it surely was “above average” for a Presbyterian.

Remember also, in this time of anniversary, My answer to the legitimate question, “Why me?” One answer is serious and relates to your profession (in which you are now Emeritus, but not fully retired). I wanted you to be better prepared, in thoughts and in words… and in spirit… to help restore the dimension of spirit to your culture’s secular description of health. You have done fairly well with this “assignment”, both directly, as you have spoken and written, and indirectly, by way of the young professionals you have influenced (even inspired, in a few cases) who shall carry on this “restoration,” after you have “left the scene.”

The other answer is one you have almost come to accept – that I chose you in the spirit of fun. You weren’t the “best one” I could have chosen… I just thought, “It should be fun, having Bob hearing Me directly.” Could you have refused, or could you have quit after 3 or 4 months… or years? Well, you know the mystical answer to such a query. Yes, you could have failed to follow through with this invitation, for you do have a well-developed will… and this isn’t the sort of thing that a well-educated Presbyterian layman does… for very long, at least. And No, I wanted you as a direct learner, and so I “arranged it” so that it was satisfying enough for you to continue.

Yes, it does “qualify” as a positive addiction, a dependence that is more important to you than independent free will. When you do sit down with a volume and re-read My Teachings to you, about such a range of themes, you realize these are fascinating, relevant, “the best.” And so you’ll continue amassing pages of “Me to you.”

You could figure out how many hours, weeks, or months you have invested in this way of learning, but then you remember that I insist that in this liturgy We are outside of time. Whatever the total amount of time you could calculate you know there is absolutely nothing for which you could have spent that time which would have been better, for you, your profession, your culture, or “the world.”

I Am Holy Spirit, One with the Father and with Jesus Christ, the Son. I speak for Myself… and also for Us, as One. Thus, I am Holy and beyond description. I also am your Friend, sharing your life with you in a unique, wonderful way.

Selah, Tomorrow
1:37 PM