Remembrance And Anticipation

WED., DEC. 7, 1988, 6:26 AM

With much clutter around you, and a long list of tasks still to finish, you are in anticipation of a pre-winter vacation. You have much to accomplish during this “vacation” time, but you should be able to balance responsibilities and recreation as you should. A long trip lies ahead, but it is a reasonably familiar and easy one. Seek My blessing and have faith as you travel.

This also is a day or remembrance. It is a December day that closed out with the violent yet easy death of your son, Peter. In the morning he was full of fun and life, in the afternoon he was in trouble of some sort, and in the evening his body died, and his spirit moved on to a realm of better opportunity for him. He appreciated his time with you and the family, but he was losing ground, spiritually. The accident offered a new beginning, and he accepted this. He simply “went away from home,” permanently.

Human life has its different balances of remembrance and anticipation. Young Sarah has little to remember, because her earth life is just beginning. (Actually she has much to remember, for she comes in with fine spiritual development, but this has been put aside in order to function well as a young American.) She has much to anticipate, for a predictably long and interesting life lies ahead of her. John Patrick has much more to remember than does his daughter, but some of his past is best forgotten at this time in his life. He has much anticipation and much ambition, and he looks ahead to a productive work life and a fulfilling marriage and family life.

You still have anticipations, but, appropriately, these are gently being overbalanced with remembrances. You have some good working years yet ahead of you, with much still to do that you can anticipate. Changes still are possible, but, professionally, stability should reign. The future of your home is still in doubt, but you have considered alternatives, always a good practice in anticipation. Increasingly you shall dwell on remembrances. You have many that are pleasant, and most of the unpleasant ones have now softened with time. The remembrances of Peter have so softened. This is as it should be over these twelve years.

You spent time, some months ago, with your parents, who have even a different balance. Their anticipations are few, and some of these, such as further deterioration of body health, are not ones easy to contemplate. They do anticipate death, but without any clear sense of what to expect “on the other side.” Their remembrances are many, from childhood over more than eighty years of earth life. These are mostly pleasant, for their life was basically easy and trouble-free. Some of the problems they had are the most fun to remember.

So the balance naturally shifts in life from much anticipation to much remembrance… from little remembrance to little anticipation. (I do encourage you, however, to have much anticipation of the continuation of spiritual life… the important dimension… on beyond this present state, wherein your remembrances will increase many fold.) The unfortunate exception to this natural progression are those who develop Alzheimer’s or other degenerative conditions, which leave them with neither memories or anticipations. Often what seems like compassionate medical care prevents such a person from going on to greater remembrances and anticipations.

This is a time of relative peace in “your world.” In contrast to the “day or infamy” which propelled your nation into a world war these forty seven years ago, this is a day in which the leaders of the most heavily armed nations shall sit down together to consider ways of maintaining this peace. There has been much strife here in the earth, and even as I laud this time of peace I anticipate further conflicts. Wars bring destruction and loss of life, yet destruction encourages construction, and human life is even now too abundant on this planet.

WED., DEC. 7, 1988, 6:26 AM

With much clutter around you, and a long list of tasks still to finish, you are in anticipation of a pre-winter vacation. You have much to accomplish during this “vacation” time, but you should be able to balance responsibilities and recreation as you should. A long trip lies ahead, but it is a reasonably familiar and easy one. Seek My blessing and have faith as you travel.

This also is a day or remembrance. It is a December day that closed out with the violent yet easy death of your . . .

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