Render Unto Caesar

NOV. 13, 1980, 5:52 AM

Your mind cannot seem to focus on anything else save your tax experience, o son, so let us talk about that aspect of life and how it affects the spirit. You don’t really know what to expect, and you are almost as apprehensive about this as you were about the session yesterday.

This tax business is a “mixed bag” involving honestly, integrity, responsibility, and stewardship. The mixture will come out differently for different people. It doesn’t appear that you and Lenore are seeing this matter in the same way. And life proceeds more easily when the view of anything you share is similar.

You are troubled by the dishonesty involved, particularly as it involves Michael and Wendy. Your counter to this is the sense that the ruling is an arbitrary one, not one of clear, logical merit. You see that it is a game to be played… and that it is not your game. Still you are involved and must continue to be, to some extent.

This is where integrity comes in, for integrity begins with your own perception of yourself. Is what you are doing, in this total involvement, worthy? Your spirit is somewhat troubled. What can bring about an “untroubling”? Either disinvolvement or compensation in some other way. The answer shall not be an easy one nor one that is likely to last.

Responsibility is a “bridge” consideration. You have some responsibility as a citizen and a taxpayer. Government is necessary when a people is large and diverse. Taxation is legitimate, and you know and feel this. Still, money is limited, and you have other responsibilities… to your children and grandchildren., to the needy in many forms, and to causes, important and noble.

NOV. 13, 1980, 5:52 AM

Your mind cannot seem to focus on anything else save your tax experience, o son, so let us talk about that aspect of life and how it affects the spirit. You don’t really know what to expect, and you are almost as apprehensive about this as you were about the session yesterday.

This tax business is a “mixed bag” involving honestly, integrity, responsibility, and stewardship. The mixture will come out differently for different people. It doesn’t appear that you and Lenore are seeing this matter in the same way . . .

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