Repairing The Body

FRI., SEPT. 19, 1986, 6:52 AM

Yesterday you were “worked on” by a dental craftsman. You experienced the painless destruction and temporary rebuilding of a tooth, and eventually this shall look, feel, and function as a brand new, healthy tooth. The Ruminations just completed deals with My comments on modern life, and this shall be another Teaching toward that understanding, for I am quite aware of the increasingly effective ways the body can be repaired.

Ponder the condition of teeth in the time I lived in the earth as Jesus. True, the diet was simpler, with no processed foods, but there were no trained specialists called dentists either, and when a person had trouble with a tooth there was no skillful repair. There was suffering. There was disability. Adaptation was necessary. Yes, o son, having a tooth crack in those times was much more of a spiritual test than was your painless ordeal yesterday.

Yet I am not against the human drive to lessen pain, to improve body function, to correct deterioration, and to prolong productive life. I have assisted in this movement, even though it is not one of My high priorities. When those who work toward these ends call on Me for help I often give it, and the process is a better one, thereby.

You have a picture of Me, as Jesus, smiling, from the spirit and talent of My servant Ron. The teeth are even and plentiful. The smile is a pleasant one. But I was a young man. Would I have had a perfect smile as an old man? Were there older, respected men, even among My disciples, whose smiles were imperfect? Were the women of My time also beset with oral problems? You just must assume that microorganisms and other forces that bring deterioration were part of that created world. From hence came the drive for skillful repair and control of pain. And again I say, I am not opposed to such a movement.

When it comes to the repair and replacement of body organs and parts I also am interested, though, again, My priority is not the prolongation of individual earth lives, without a spiritual imperative. I do approve of acts such as the recently publicized one of a man giving one of his healthy kidneys to his daughter. It shall be quite possible for him to live out his years with one kidney, and now her body can again function more normally and comfortably with this “assistance” from her sire. The skill which makes this possible I applaud. This kind of sharing is an evidence of spirit, whether voiced or not.

I also approve of the use of organs and other body parts from the body of one whose spirit has moved on. This is a final tangible, earthly gift that you can give. I encourage a willingness to help others live more fully, rather than simply burying or burning bodily parts that could still function. I introduced the spiritual principle of giving to others. This is just a modern version of it.

FRI., SEPT. 19, 1986, 6:52 AM

Yesterday you were “worked on” by a dental craftsman. You experienced the painless destruction and temporary rebuilding of a tooth, and eventually this shall look, feel, and function as a brand new, healthy tooth. The Ruminations just completed deals with My comments on modern life, and this shall be another Teaching toward that understanding, for I am quite aware of the increasingly effective ways the body can be repaired.

Ponder the condition of teeth in the time I lived in the earth as Jesus. True, the diet was simpler, with no . . .

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