
FRI., SEPT. 14, 1984, 5:49 AM

The title does not satisfy you, o son, but it is the right one for this day. It refers to two events that have occurred since you last took up this special pen in this early morning hour, both of which seem to be replays of spiritually important events in the past. You recognized each as such, and this pleases Me. It shows an awareness of Me and My ways with you that is an important sign of growth. I did awaken you early, and you have renewed our intimate relationship. So let Us talk of these events and of their importance in your life.

The first replay was the rather sudden feeling of weakness, pain, and disability in your back. It was not severe enough to cause you excessive concern, but you did test your leg repeatedly to see if the feared weakness in that limb was going to reoccur. Though your focus was mainly on the replay as a natural (though freak, certainly) event, you were aware that this was a part of our early life together in close contact. If the pain and weakness would have returned you would have recognized it as a spiritual challenge and would have returned to hear Me sooner.

Did I cause this to happen? This is not important. You can assume that I did… or that I used an otherwise occurring event for My purposes. When in doubt I recommend assuming that I was responsible. You see, it just is more important that you be in close relationship with Me than that you be comfortable.

The other replay was the loss (or apparent loss) of something valuable, which you did recognize almost immediately as My seeking your attention. Again, it is not important that I caused or did not cause the disappearance of the picture. It is not even finally important that you find it. What is vital is that you recognize the power that I have to affect your life, along with the responsibility you have to live in partnership with Me. I have called you to this, and I shall not let you fall away. So much for free will.

You also replayed the story of Peter’s life and death, earlier in the course than in the past. It was a fine small meal, and you are rather sure that this time around the table together will do much for the spirit of this class. It is too bad that the time and size of your early afternoon class does not make this kind of event as feasible. This early Farm experience should become an established part of your teaching style. Then the replay late in the semester can be a more comfortable learning/growing experience. Continue to be aware that this story is Peter’s last gift to you, an invaluable teaching aid. Tell it with love and with care. It must always have a very “special “quality to it.

Is this earth life of yours a “replay”? The answer is more No then Yes. You are on a “spiritual journey”, and this earth life as Bob Russell, with its many manifestations, is an important part of that journey. You have not been in these earth circumstances before, and therefore it is not a replay. However, the growing spirit that is your essence has been manifested in many different circumstances before your physical birth into this life. Some of these have been in the earth, and hence there is some “replay quality”.

FRI., SEPT. 14, 1984, 5:49 AM

The title does not satisfy you, o son, but it is the right one for this day. It refers to two events that have occurred since you last took up this special pen in this early morning hour, both of which seem to be replays of spiritually important events in the past. You recognized each as such, and this pleases Me. It shows an awareness of Me and My ways with you that is an important sign of growth. I did awaken you early, and you have renewed our intimate relationship . . .

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