
WED., MAR. 17, 1982, 1:20 PM

In the midst of being faithful to the important task-opportunity of composing another Ruminations you encountered a thought, encouraged by a teaching, to which you have not given enough attention. You clearly have enough material for this discussion of the environment. Let Me offer a contribution to a later publication… one dealing with research in a wider perspective.

Though research goes on all through the year you shall be especially attuned to it during the next month or so, as studies are completed… and other ones planned. You feel, basically, that you are not much of a researcher… and, first of all, o son, I want you to understand that this is true only in a very limited perspective. If “research” were only developing instruments (or assembling ones already developed) and gathering data from people via questionnaires or interviews to answer preconceived questions… the answers being essentially computer-generated correlations, then, true, you are not much. But if research is generating data through a describable process… data such as I give to you, then you are quite some researcher! You are productive in producing your (Our) data, and you shall improve in making it available for other researchers and scholars to use. Actually, you are not so much a researcher – one who generates data – as a scholar, who is one who gathers, synthesizes, analyzes, and develops concepts, even wisdom, from the studies done. This is your research calling. Defend it with confidence. More importantly, teach it positively as a mode of research that some others might “get into”.

“Aren’t these teachings quite subjective?” someone may ask. Your writing of them is subjective, but so is virtually every research procedure in your field. But the material in the teachings goes beyond any categorization as “subjective” or “objective”. The content is from Me, the Holy Spirit, who comes to you personally, but also am the Universal Mind. All that is known and ever has been known makes up the Universal Mind, or Universal Consciousness, unified and coordinated by the Universal Spirit. These are but manifestations of the Great God Almighty… and I am she/he/all in personal, teaching, counseling, friendly form.

I do not share with you ideas and concepts that I have that would be beyond your understanding. That would be cruel, malicious, and foolhardy, and I act very seldom with these characteristics. I speak to your capacities to understand and to utilize what you learn… yet I also pull you along to more knowledge, awareness, understanding, and appreciation. Though the themes I develop with you seem quite diverse, they actually represent a rather small segment of the range of content I actually teach to servants in the earth and an even smaller proportion of what I have to offer in other realms.

So, your thinking must from henceforth turn toward the concept that I am a fount, a well-spring of information that is, in research terminology, data. You have access to Me, this Source, in a way comparable to those who sit down to a computer and generate a print-out. Our process is a little slower in the output, but you are not limited by what you or someone else has put in. So, overall, this may be more efficient that a computer.

WED., MAR. 17, 1982, 1:20 PM

In the midst of being faithful to the important task-opportunity of composing another Ruminations you encountered a thought, encouraged by a teaching, to which you have not given enough attention. You clearly have enough material for this discussion of the environment. Let Me offer a contribution to a later publication… one dealing with research in a wider perspective.

Though research goes on all through the year you shall be especially attuned to it during the next month or so, as studies are completed… and other ones planned. You feel, basically . . .

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