Resiliency Of Spirit

FRI., JUNE 2, 1989, 5:46 AM

My servant Glenn has given you another good term for health, this quality in which you are both interested. Resiliency is like unto adaptation or the process of adapting, and it is what makes possible effective balancing. A good healthy rhythm of life is one chock full of resilience. And the most important aspect of resilience is resilience of spirit.

Spirit is what develops or recognizes purpose and meaning in life. Those with minimal spiritual development have a low sense that life has any real meaning and that there is any discernible purpose for their own individual lives. Conversely, folks with massive spiritual development see meaning in every life event and clear purpose to which they dedicate themselves. These are the extremes, of course, with most people tending toward one end or the other.

Resiliency of spirit is what carries you beyond circumstances that cloud over your sense of purpose and mission… even of the meaning of life. If your presentation today should be poorly received or you should become confused and inept in your delivery it would be a blow to this particular purpose in your life… which is, finally, to represent Me well. This would be a real test of your spiritual resilience. Could you learn from the experience? Could you accept the relative failure and offer it to Me, as what you did, even if it was not as you wished? In such action you would learn, yet again, that I am interested in your best and also your worst. Offer yourself to Me, and I shall accept. And your spirit will grow, even in resilience, from such experiences.

Yes, I did use one of My old tricks to rouse you from your bed this morning. It was the fear that truly awakens, and your envisioning of your plane exploding and diving toward destruction in the waters below helped bring you to this desk. Such a circumstance would be an ultimate opportunity for spiritual resilience. Would you withdraw and quietly pray, or would you attempt to bring a final message of salvation and hope to those around you with doubts and fears about sudden death. Either way your spirit would be ready to leap forth from a broken body… or to urge you to superhuman efforts that might make for a miraculous survival. What, then, if you were all alone, surviving, with night coming on… a dark night to survive if you were to be rescued? Could your spirit energize an old body to the efforts necessary to survive? What a scenario… but it is one about spiritual resiliency.

Would your spirit have the resiliency to bounce back after an injury, such as Glenn’s, or after the onset of some deterioration that would likely progress for the rest of your earth life? What if retirement were forced, and income was too low for comfortable living? Could your spirit adapt and fit this in with the meaning of life? If the meaning of life includes experiencing bad times as well as good, then it would be “fair” for you to have some bad times in your senior years, as a balance to all the good you have thus far experienced. Your spirit knows this is true. Could it “convince” the rest of you of the justice such deprivation represents?

Let’s consider another extreme. These Teachings and Our Ruminations become publicized and well-known. Some are lauding you and treating you as a guru; others are castigating you and identifying you as “of the devil.” How would your spirit respond to adulation and wealth… and, at the same time, bitter rejection? You would want to withdraw and have this all go away, but you can’t… and it won’t. What a test of spiritual resiliency that would be!

But… all you have today is a one hour presentation, with great expectations from Glenn and no expectations from most of the audience. As always, I say, “Don’t be concerned about the consequences. Offer what you do to Me, and let Me help your spirit be resilient, if such is necessary. You are well prepared. Do what you have the capacity to do… and I shall be with you. Now go and compose your closing.

6:42 AM