
SAT., MAR. 18, 1989, 6:12 AM

One important criterion of spiritual maturity is a person’s resistance to My will… or even seeking My will. In one sense it is a natural response from the mind, particularly when one is in a culture that encourages self reliance and individual initiative. You have done rather well, considering how independent you have been, in accepting this close relationship with Me. Oh, you still show resistance, but your spirit is more and more accepting the position of son that is yours to claim.

It is hard for you to recall the resistance you had to writing and sending out four “issues” of Our Ruminations each year. Now you accomplish this with relative ease and truly know that this is something I want. It does require some time, but you certainly have enough of that earth dimension to give to this joint venture. Resist the feeling that it is a chore even the more mechanical parts of the process. It is a service that I, personally, have called on you to render. So just know and accept that this shall be part of your active life for the foreseeable future.

You still evidence resistance to regular Bible reading and study. I shall never cease to recommend this, but I shall not press to the point of encouraging guilt feelings. I approve of your Sunday practice of pre-reading the Scripture passages, and then reading along with the preacher. Your Bible shows more use than those of most Christians. I just continue to recommend because I want you to know and love these Scriptures. And to this end you do show forth resistance.

You resisted the title “Sons” this morning, and I decided not to force the issue. You hear Me address you, “O son”, and you like this, but you have a resistance to it also. The term indicates that you have been chosen, and that you have accepted the choseness. Yet your life is lived mostly with people, especially in your church, who could have a natural resentment toward one who openly claims this relationship.

As Jesus I chose disciples… men who would travel with Me, share many of My experiences, and be given special insights into this human relationship with God. These men were resented by some who thought they should have been chosen. They were ridiculed by others who felt that it was inappropriate for men to give up their work to wander around with Me. So while there were some fine moments in being a disciple there also were some times of minor to major discomfort. It is easy to recall the disciples now (even though you don’t know the Scriptures well enough to name them all), but being so chosen was a mixed blessing.

I sometimes appear to be resistant to the attempts of some individuals to be in a close relationship with Me. That is, there are those who seek Me who do not seem to find Me. Such people are likely to be resistant in accepting you as a chosen son of Mine. Your easy acceptance contrasts with their attempts that seem to bear no fruit. You just shall have to accept this, as gently as possible, when it happens.

On the other hand, some who cannot seem to hear Me directly can hear Me rather well through these Teachings and these Ruminations. Continue your humble acceptance of this, but know that it is true. At the same time these shall send others moving away from you because of what We do together. You must accept this also.

You have heard often My affirmation that you are where you should be, doing what you should be doing. I want you to accept this truth, but then resist the feeling that this must continue indefinitely. Just live life fully as you have it now, but be ready to adapt to changes that may come. Life may continue on in this almost ideal mode that you have been experiencing. Or… it could change in ways that would make it less ideal. Be resistant, say I, to negative feelings about changes that may occur. Do what you can to maintain the “good life”, but accept what comes, when it comes.

SAT., MAR. 18, 1989, 6:12 AM

One important criterion of spiritual maturity is a person’s resistance to My will… or even seeking My will. In one sense it is a natural response from the mind, particularly when one is in a culture that encourages self reliance and individual initiative. You have done rather well, considering how independent you have been, in accepting this close relationship with Me. Oh, you still show resistance, but your spirit is more and more accepting the position of son that is yours to claim.

It is hard for you to recall . . .

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