
SAT., DEC. 31, 1988, 6:58 AM

Traditionally, in your culture, this is a time to formulate some resolutions for the New Year. You have not done this, usually, but are considering it as 1989 approaches. Hear, o son, some thoughts about resolutions.

As you printed the word in the title you were struck with the realization that it says “re-solution,” implying a new solution to some problem. It also relates to “re-solve,” also implying some problem and some new approach to solving it. However, both resolve and resolution have the connotation of determination to carry through and to succeed.

The New Year is a symbol of beginning again. A New Year commences, and with it comes resolve to deal with some aspects of life in some more responsible ways. It may even involve the spirit of sacrifice and some actual practices of sacrifice, bringing it clearly into the “realm” of spirit. Sacrifice, in the spirit of giving up something good for something better, is spiritual action of which I approve.

Know, of course, that grace still abounds. There is nothing you have to do, no matter how reasonable and noble this may be, to earn the forgiveness and acceptance that I call grace. I accept fat people, drunks, con artists… people with many flaws. All you have to do is turn to Me and accept My gift of acceptance. And then, safe with your hand in Mine you may make some resolutions about conduct or state of being and may strive to better yourself. This is not necessary. It just may be a response to the grace I freely give. You don’t have to be better. You just have to be faithful.

Most resolutions are physical, social, or intellectual in nature. It is quite possible to make spiritual resolutions, also. Now these usually come out as practices, but they have spiritual content. As an example, you could resolve to come to Me more often than you do for Teaching. Or you could resolve to spend more time in re-reading and organization the Teachings you already have received. Such resolutions would improve your spiritual life, but they would require physical/intellectual actions and some reallocation of time. I am pleased with your present faithfulness, but I would approve of resolutions such as these.

You are properly concerned about your increase in weight and with the loss of discipline this represents. You have no major symptoms of ill-health, other than some relatively high blood pressure numbers, but you feel less healthy when your pants are as tight as they are now. You need not do this for Me, but the spirit of sacrifice that it will involve will be pleasing to Me, if not to you. Be reasonable. Decide what you can accomplish. Then make a resolution. Increasing exercise should be a part of this, so try to make this as useful as possible, as in spading the garden. Time is valuable to you, but you will have to use some of it for any such resolution.

The difficulty with resolutions is in having too many that conflict… or that require more change of lifestyle than you can manage, day by day. Be aware of this, for failure to carry through with resolutions honestly made can be… and should be… guilt producing. And guilt is not good for spiritual growth. Its only value is in spurring you to a more healthy response and lifestyle. When it fails to do this and persists, it is a detriment to good earth life.

It is ironic that resolutions are part of this season, which is that of winter. Spring is the time of new beginnings, while winter is more a season of dormancy and quiet struggle with weather patterns. Perhaps it would be good to re-resolve in each season, rather than setting resolutions only at this time.

In this sense I call on you to re-resolve to send forth a Ruminations in each season, to improve your letter writing (including the monthly one to your parents), and to keep the consideration of spirit foremost in your planning for and conducting of classes. Resume your Sunday morning class in the spirit of service to Me. It need not be “successful” in terms of numbers. Be faithful to this opportunity.

SAT., DEC. 31, 1988, 6:58 AM

Traditionally, in your culture, this is a time to formulate some resolutions for the New Year. You have not done this, usually, but are considering it as 1989 approaches. Hear, o son, some thoughts about resolutions.

As you printed the word in the title you were struck with the realization that it says “re-solution,” implying a new solution to some problem. It also relates to “re-solve,” also implying some problem and some new approach to solving it. However, both resolve and resolution have the connotation of determination to carry . . .

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