
APRIL 23, 1980, 5:25 AM

The day beginneth with a barking dog and a normal stool. So rejoice that you are here, o son, and hear words of instruction in relation to the term “response”. It is important that you meditate upon these concepts this day.

First, Lenore brought you the report of Chris’ response to some of these lessons of Ours. It was gratifying for you to hear that these words of Mine that you write down communicated a real concept of Me as Holy Spirit… one she had not been able to develop before. The responses of others will be equally satisfying as “time goes along”. Lisa still remembers the one you shared with her and still wants a copy. Add several more and fulfill her request soon. Be a little more bold in sharing these meditations. There can be no responses if there is not first the sharing.

Yet the sharing also will bring other, less favorable responses. Some of this is inevitable… some may be necessary as a step toward understanding and acceptance. People are at an incredible “range of places” in relation to Me and My actions in the earth at this time. Know ye, o son, that some are ready to move toward more acceptance of My active role in the affairs of people. This is one of your tasks, and is one of the purposes for these writings. Discern carefully and bring words of illumination into hearts and minds. Then be aware of and appreciate the responses. Through Our writings learning will take place and souls will grow toward enlightenment. This is one of your roles. Be increasingly open to situations of sharing. And also cautious, still.

You also have some response to the events triggered by your black stool. I told you that it was a test of faithfulness… a symbolic happening. But it obviously was a real physical event as well. You see it returning to normal this morning, and so let’s review your response. It was a test of your faith in the health of your body and of My capacity to help retain that functioning. There was a conflict between your inclination and Lenore’s urging, and you had conflicting values. Your resolution was fine, but be sure you understand what you did. You acceded to her need without losing your own perspective. You are not invulnerable, but trust that I shall let you know, rather clearly, when that is and when you might need medical care. Then your response must needs be different.

Response can have a strong spiritual component. It can be a touching of spirit with spirit… or with Spirit. Your response to the barking dog this morning was, first, emotional… but then spiritual. It was a call, and your spirit responded to Mine. Increasingly let your responses to others include that spiritual dimension. It is another aspect of being and doing that you can learn and become more comfortable in “controlling”. You shall come to “feel how it feels” to respond spirit to spirit. And others will respond, in kind, to you.

Sometimes it may seem that response is inferior to initiative. Not so. It is like yin and yang… both/and. It is as important to respond well to someone else’s initiative as it is to be the one who elicits the response. I initiate, but I also respond. You know My way, for I have told you many times in many ways. But I dearly love to repeat and reinforce: I call certain people (such as you) and they respond to Me. Others come to Me of their own initiative, and I gladly and lovingly respond to them. My Kingdom thus is made up of those who have responded to My call and those to whom I have responded. And it matters not, in faithfulness or service, whose response it was.

Your letter is a good one, but there can be no response to it until it is sent out. I have nagged you periodically, and your response has not yet been complete. Test the pictures and get it going… by this weekend. Respond!

Oh, I know that you have much to respond to. Just know that you are capable… or else you will feel My direction for “slacking off”. Continue to learn to respond to My leadings. Know that I work in many ways… and can teach you and lead you in more ways than you can imagine. “And his response was praise, and love, and service”.

I’ll say Amen to that!
6:38 AM