
SEPT. 12, 1980, 2:36 PM

You come, o son, to hear in a new place at a pleasant time of day. You debated briefly whether you should do this or carry out other responsibilities. You wisely chose this teaching, and so let us consider “responsibilities” today. You just have completed some planning for your weekend course. That was responsible. But what do I have to say?

You have a well-developed sense of work-related responsibilities. Though you are certainly an experienced educator you still plan for class sessions, and seek, responsibly, to balance time, activities, and different students. Still you are going to have to be more responsible to Me and to your new calling. I’m sure the spiritual dimension to health will be considered in the actual conduct of the class, but it wasn’t really present in most of the planning. Your professional rhythm is not yet including that as much as it should be considered. I shall conscientiously remind you until a better rhythm develops.

Responsibilities are like unto the use of time. As you are fulfilling one responsibility it inevitably is at the expense of other potential ones. You cannot do this without neglecting certain family responsibilities… or responsibilities to your ongoing study. You have a responsibility to learn from Me, but you realize that you really are not assimilating and “knowing” many of the ideas and concepts I teach you. Your study plan has been changed. Accept that change, and know that it means less collection of new data and more responsibility for “mining” what you have… in the Scriptures and in these teachings. Seek synthesis, and then translate these principles and generalizations into stories. (Emphasize tomorrow that case studies and role playing situations are fundamentally stories… and stories are a basic means for truly learning.)

Hear a story. The Holy Spirit, for purposes of His own, chose a person, not young, not old, to bring a particular message to the world… or at least a part of it. The one chosen is aware of that election, appreciates the task fairly well, and is basically happy about the whole venture. In order to be sure that the task was done well, the Holy Spirit saw that the one chosen had a well-developed sense of responsibility. Good! But the chosen one still feels the responsibilities that were prime before this present life task and often gives more attention to them than to those I, the Holy Spirit, expect. (For I am telling the story.) The Spirit knows that if the one chosen gave up all other responsibilities easily, and turned whole-heartedly to this task it would seem good. But he also realizes that such might happen again… another opportunity… and he might quickly and easily drop these responsibilities for others more enticing.

SEPT. 12, 1980, 2:36 PM

You come, o son, to hear in a new place at a pleasant time of day. You debated briefly whether you should do this or carry out other responsibilities. You wisely chose this teaching, and so let us consider “responsibilities” today. You just have completed some planning for your weekend course. That was responsible. But what do I have to say?

You have a well-developed sense of work-related responsibilities. Though you are certainly an experienced educator you still plan for class sessions, and seek, responsibly, to balance time, activities . . .

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