
THURS., SEPT. 26, 1985, 6:17 AM

Hear, o son! This is one of your responsibilities. It is also an opportunity, and it should be a joy… but increasingly it is a responsibility. Why? Because an increasing number of people, now including your students, are coming to value these Teachings and expect you to be receiving them. Because this fulfills a purpose of Mine (a minor one, but still one of Mine), and therefore your part becomes a responsibility.

When you have a responsibility to Me it originates in a call, and I shall reiterate that I do call individual humans for certain tasks and responsibilities here in the earth. First… there is nothing “special” about those I call. These have always been a varied group… certainly not what your normal church nominating committee would select. Some have been “outside the faith” when I called, and many, like yourself, are not devout, normative Christians in the classic sense. Yet I have few refusals, and servants all over this earth are accepting their responsibilities to Me in a wide, strange variety of ways.

So, secondly… there is something special about you who respond and do My will. You are fortunate in that you are fairly well prepared for the task, and it is one you have enjoyed thus far. I don’t call you to give up your job or your family or to become a noticed public figure. You haven’t had to take ridicule, and you haven’t lost status because of this call. I am pleased with what you are doing, but I shall continue to call you for additional service, and there may be some mild suffering ahead. So… both truths abide – you are not special, and yet you are… you who are called to responsibilities in My earthly Kingdom.

Yes, even in its seemingly imperfect condition, the earth is a Kingdom of Mine. I am pleased with much that happens, not necessarily for its present effects, but for the eventual spiritual growth that does take place. The earth is My responsibility, but I need help in maintaining it as a physical realm. Realms of spirit are much easier to manage.

One of the difficulties that you and most others who I call encounter is that you have other responsibilities… ones more obvious than the ones to Me. Be appreciative of the fact that I waited until your child-raising responsibilities were nearly through before I sent out this definite call. Also the responsibilities to your family tied to your relative success in your profession were pretty well assured. I reiterate that I do want you to continue your responsibilities in your work, but you shall see them blend more and more with My purposes for you. You shall spend time and expend energy with students, but, increasingly, these shall be ones with spiritual concerns… some of whom are sent to you by Me for continuing relationship.

I want you to continue to write professionally, even as you continue the responsibilities you have now.
7:13 AM / 2:08 PM
Writing is a particular kind of ministry, and I call on you to keep the balance between seeking and employing new words, phrases, and styles and maintaining that which is now rather successful. You are ready to do another Ruminations, but you must wait until these immediate commitments have been completed.

Feel less and less dis-ease in blending your concepts of spirit into professional preparations and presentations. You surely can find a way to use some of your appropriate Rumination in your humor workshop next week. Select carefully, but see this as part of your responsibility to Me.

THURS., SEPT. 26, 1985, 6:17 AM

Hear, o son! This is one of your responsibilities. It is also an opportunity, and it should be a joy… but increasingly it is a responsibility. Why? Because an increasing number of people, now including your students, are coming to value these Teachings and expect you to be receiving them. Because this fulfills a purpose of Mine (a minor one, but still one of Mine), and therefore your part becomes a responsibility.

When you have a responsibility to Me it originates in a call, and I shall reiterate that I do . . .

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