
FRI., MAR. 13, 1987, 6:23 AM

You sit here considering that you do not have time for this Teaching, given your other responsibilities. Suddenly these diverse opportunities of earth life are weighing on you, and you consider putting this one aside. It is good that your responsibility to Me is reasonably strong. At a time when you need advice don’t pull away from this Source, that I offer. I shall not tell you exactly what to do, but I will speak about competing responsibilities.

You expect Me to commence with the responsibility for leading in worship, and so I will. You could have shifted this, but you didn’t. Perhaps that is a sign that you should carry this out. Remember that this opportunity to be the liturgical leader for the congregation was one of your reasons for becoming a Session member. Obviously you must balance this present assignment with these others, but I was part of the “you” that desired to be a worship leader. This is a portion of good balance for you.

The responsibility for your animals, the large ones in particular, is less spiritual but quite real. You know that the fence needs considerable work in order to hold these that are developing the tendency to wander. How urgent is this, in relation to the other pressures? You certainly must check that out this morning.

Your son and his family are expecting your visit, and Lenore anticipates this, as you do. It is the symbolic event of this season called “break”. It does not have to be this weekend, but it is so planned. The maintenance of relationship with this young family is important, particularly in showing them that they are important to you. Family responsibilities are important… and the emphasis is intended.

It is mid-March, and your first Ruminations is not yet written. You accomplished the goal I set for Us last year, and I do not want you to lose that momentum. You are somewhat disappointed that many to whom you have been sending these letters did not respond to your invitation to seek renewal. As always I urge you to focus on those who did send back messages that they want this spiritual help. It is a small contribution to the spiritual “literature,” but it is unique, and I say again that it is a responsibility that I have given to you, and I don’t want you to pull back from this now established schedule.

The Christmas letter is not so important, but it is an opportunity to share family news with people who are part of a “larger family”… special acquaintances from different parts of your life span who do care about your family. This is a gift, but because of its nature it sneaks into being a responsibility.

You truly don’t need any amount of rest at this time, and that is fortunate. You do have certain responsibilities for your continuing health, and, as I suggested, you should schedule a check up soon. Your body feels fine, but you also are aware of signs that many need heeding. Don’t rely only on Me to maintain your full functioning. I am a factor, but you, too, must be responsible.

You still have professional responsibilities, even as these are not as pressing as some of these others. I continue to say that I want you to maintain a balance with your professional contributions. You have three important papers to write, along with this editorial assistance that is requested of you. Your students shall be clamoring for the rest of this term, and you must not neglect the help these fine young people need.

FRI., MAR. 13, 1987, 6:23 AM

You sit here considering that you do not have time for this Teaching, given your other responsibilities. Suddenly these diverse opportunities of earth life are weighing on you, and you consider putting this one aside. It is good that your responsibility to Me is reasonably strong. At a time when you need advice don’t pull away from this Source, that I offer. I shall not tell you exactly what to do, but I will speak about competing responsibilities.

You expect Me to commence with the responsibility for leading in worship . . .

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