
FEB. 11, 1982, 5:37 AM

Hear, o son, a teaching concerned with responsibility, a non-quantifiable reality important in social life and health… and certainly a factor in spiritual health. Oh, it is possible to specify certain behaviors and then devise ways to measure and quantify these, but responsibility is an over-arching trait that predicts how a person is likely to react in almost any situation.

Responsibility has its origin in Me. I created all that has been created, and then I set it to functioning in basically knowable, predictable ways. When I created humans and then allowed souls to inhabit these human structures I had allowed the earth to develop to a point where life could be maintained and love could be manifested. (As I have told you before, one of the central reasons for tragedies involving humans, with loss of life, function, or property, is in order that love and compassion might be shown and expressed… AND that responsibility might develop.) I continue to be responsible, for I, the Lord God, want these realms of Mine to be environments wherein growth in spirit is possible and encouraged.

I was being responsible when I “tested out” the earth plane. In Jesus I was and became the Christ (it matters not which comes first, for they are merely different words for the same experience). His Nature and Mine became One, and I, responsibly, became the living, loving, giving Christ in human form. Then when I gave My Life that grace might abound, I responsibly became available as the Holy Spirit, who teaches, counsels, and directs souls toward better functioning.

You can show responsibility by arising in the dark, starting the heat-producing fires, and then sitting down to this meditative opportunity. Would that responsible behavior be anything other than frustration if I did not carry out My responsibility in providing the teaching that you can only seek and be ready for? I also am responsible in offering you lessons that shall be of value to you and to others of life orientation. I give you few ideas you cannot understand, and I speak in ways you can understand.

Consider what could happen if I chose not to be responsible. You could sit waiting, and I would not speak. How often would you return if I acted thusly? I could speak in theological, philosophical language or in speech forms that you would not understand and which would communicate little to others… and I would be irresponsible. Know that I do raise up those with the ability and desire to translate and reinterpret My Holy Scriptures in ever new ways.

So, understand that I am the Source and the Model of responsibility. Because I Am, you can be. And because you are, others can be. This progression, of course, is endless. It is almost the best aspect of earth life.

FEB. 11, 1982, 5:37 AM

Hear, o son, a teaching concerned with responsibility, a non-quantifiable reality important in social life and health… and certainly a factor in spiritual health. Oh, it is possible to specify certain behaviors and then devise ways to measure and quantify these, but responsibility is an over-arching trait that predicts how a person is likely to react in almost any situation.

Responsibility has its origin in Me. I created all that has been created, and then I set it to functioning in basically knowable, predictable ways. When I created . . .

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