Retired… A Worthy “Condition”!?

TUES., DEC. 4, 2001, 1:53 PM

Yes, o son, you now are even further into your fourth year of retirement. You have your two “good reasons” for going into town, and there aren’t many other reasons to do so. You started, this morning, on the “worthy task” of cleaning off this desk, table, and floor. You have made little progress, and it is likely to be at least tomorrow before order is restored.

Yet I see and hear that you are not out to “accomplish” in this time of retirement. Oh, accomplishment is a “good,” and you’ve done a good deal in this life… but it should be less and less necessary or desirable in this decade of your life. You accept that this earth life of yours may not be much longer… and that the “task” that will be most “honored” by Me is one of being more conscious of the moments of life and more appreciative of the life you’ve been privileged to lead and of the remaining months and, even, years.

Don’t “beat yourself” over not keeping up with Our Ruminations. While I Am disappointed that you haven’t done what both you and I wanted I also don’t want it to be a great “burden.” This is not a time in your life to conjure up “burdens.” Just get this room cleaned up (oh, by the end of the week), go over what you have written so far… and get it finished… sometime.

Perhaps you’ll be able to meet the “schedule” We have had… but perhaps not. We All hate to accept that what you once could do, fairly easily, is no longer so simple. It may be best to give up the notion of a “schedule,” and just write one whenever it seems “right.” I’ll continue to offer you Teachings. You’ll have to determine how you shall use them.

Your “break” from the University and your old Department is now almost complete, done gradually over four years. When your mail “box” disappears you’ll realize that that professional aspect of retirement has been completed. That “world” goes on, and you are no longer a part of it… “almost gone.” But hear that this should be another good time of life. Your physical and mental capacities are obviously dwindling. You now needn’t do what you no longer can do. This is a natural stage of human life. Oh, you’ll still “fight it” now and again, but then… that won’t seem necessary or desirable.

But as long as you’re still “inhabiting” a body you need to use it, somewhat often. This Farm provides you opportunities, and you should continue to accept these… and “accomplish” in this fundamental, elemental way. You can still mow grass, and there are uses for such. You are doing well with firewood, well supplied to you, but in need of some further splitting and being brought to fireside.

Your animals still need some attention. It is not yet time to have no animals, but you can realize that some “lessening” will be appropriate soon.

You have never been a paragon of neatness and good order, and you are not likely to become such in these retirement years. You can just gradually be less inclined to retain what comes in the mail… as if such will be “valuable” at some later time.

Oh, there are a few “conditions” around here that could be improved, with reasonable effort. (Yes, do something good for your “north side” after I’m through!) I’m not telling you to be a “compulsive,” but set a few doable goals each week, and see how that “plays out.”

You have lived through some interesting times in your culture. Review and appreciate these, and be quite pleased that you can enjoy this time of retirement, even with lessened strength and agility. It isn’t likely that you would have to live through some unexpected, painful “surprises” in this last portion of your life. Yet I do tell you again (and continue to re-read earlier Teachings) that a “central task” for you is to be preparing to move on to the heavenly realm best for you, this time. The transition should be an easy one, so don’t waste effort hanging on to what should be “left behind.” Your expectations should be positive, for I assure you that life does continue, in wonderful ways.

TUES., DEC. 4, 2001, 1:53 PM

Yes, o son, you now are even further into your fourth year of retirement. You have your two “good reasons” for going into town, and there aren’t many other reasons to do so. You started, this morning, on the “worthy task” of cleaning off this desk, table, and floor. You have made little progress, and it is likely to be at least tomorrow before order is restored.

Yet I see and hear that you are not out to “accomplish” in this time of retirement. Oh, accomplishment is a “good,” and . . .

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