
FRI., AUG. 23, 1996, 7:34 AM

The time is almost here… the time when you must decide whether or not this will be your last year as a full-time faculty member. Regina has given you a deadline, and yet you have what seem to be 3 fine classes. And there’s that other factor – your concern about the finances that will make your life pleasant or difficult in the retirement years. My repeated message to you just doesn’t seem strong enough, so I’ll throw it to you, yet again.

I, the Holy Spirit, have guided your life, even from your early years when you were not aware of Me. I “groomed” you for this experience of hearing Me and writing these Teachings. So you are called to be faithful to Me in this way.

Why have I done this? Only because I wanted to. I have told you often that you are above average, but not outstanding. You have had a good career, and you have had above average recognition in it, but you will never be famous. Disciple analogy would be that you are more like Bartholomew than like Peter or John. Yet these Teachings could “live on” and have some importance after you have passed on over. You know how difficult it is to be a mystic in the culture you’re in, as well as the church in which I want you to be. I’m not pushing you to be weird and heretic I just want you to be quietly faithful to what I have called you.

Yes, you could teach a year or so longer, but the frustrations with your slower actions and thinking would be more. It will be hard to move from your office and to lose the contact with students that has been an enjoyable part of your life. If a financial downturn should come you consider that you would more likely be paid for working than for being in retirement. But this is all speculation… and rather negative thinking at that.

As your faith in Me diminishes a bit I’ll affirm again that I shall see that you have all that you need for the rest of your earth life. It may come, the means, that is, in ways you expect or in some novel ways. Your needs are all I’m concerned with, but there will be a few “luxuries” too. Your culture will resist an economic downturn, for you are not prepared for “hard times”. I won’t tell you how this all shall work out, but I’ll just assure you that your “suffering” will be minimal.

From My perspective it is time for you to retire, as you have tentatively planned, at the end of next summer. You have had a fine teaching career, but I don’t want you to prolong it into confusion and incompetence. The full time responsibilities are now harder than is comfortable. Continuation of your favorite class (Mine, too) may be possible. You could do this quite easily.

This Farm is a fine place for you to live. The work that is “required” is good for the maintenance of your physical health. Some of its beauty if just natural other aspects need to be maintained and improved. To have time to be here will make the last portion of your earth life pleasant… a nice balance to what you’re now experiencing.

FRI., AUG. 23, 1996, 7:34 AM

The time is almost here… the time when you must decide whether or not this will be your last year as a full-time faculty member. Regina has given you a deadline, and yet you have what seem to be 3 fine classes. And there’s that other factor – your concern about the finances that will make your life pleasant or difficult in the retirement years. My repeated message to you just doesn’t seem strong enough, so I’ll throw it to you, yet again.

I, the Holy Spirit, have . . .

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