Return To The Beach

JUNE 15, 1980, 12:40 PM

It is good, o son, to have the red and silver pen back as Our symbolic instrument. Obviously, We can use any writing tool, but I have told you that I like symbols, continuity, and tradition. It took you some time to restore it, but the quest was finally successful. You persisted well.

Now… the title does refer to Virginia Beach. It was good for you to consider returning there in the Fall. I shall not say whether you should and shall, but we can talk about what a return to the Beach could mean in your search for definition, description, and examples of spiritual health. First, you thought only of enrolling in a conference. That could be a possibility, if there is an appropriate one. (And I shall help you determine that.) The other possibility is just going there for a week as an independent learner. You have barely explored the library there, and you could arrange individual conferences with faculty and staff, and, of course, the meal time opportunities would be the same as if you were a conferee. That widens your consideration, doesn’t it?!

Yes, o son, I do purpose for you to be a truly born-again son of Mine… one of those who knows that he has had other sojourns in this earth plane… as I did. I repeat that I do not want you to be a zealot… one too fervent with the knowledge of rebirth and return… of karma as well as Grace. Still I want you to fully appreciate that you are to be one of Mine who puts these insights together, and then applies the amalgam to your teaching about health. This task is a little “tricky”, but I know that you are excited by it and see it as a magnificent opportunity. It is appropriate, then, that you learn more in this realm. Either approach has merit.

In the physical realm you need to know more about sandpacks, about Tai Chi, about massage, about castor oil packs, and other treatments and modes used there. Doesn’t it sound like a profitable time?

It will also be well for you to search out other holistic health centers, in various modes, that are on or near beaches. Just a suggestion to explore.

You wonder how the rest of this teaching will go, for the directions toward the A.R.E. have been given sufficiently. So, as you suspect, the other meaning is that of the concept of return… into the earth. At the Beach you shall meet and talk with many entities who have experiences relevant to return. You shall need to know, more firmly and exactly, the Scriptures suggestive of reincarnation and how the interpretations are made. Then you shall have to determine (with My guidance) what of this best fits into your own story.

Truly, again, it is not an either/or situation. It is perfectly all right to live life as if this were the only life in the earth. It just adds something important if you ALSO live as if you have been here before and shall be here again. Consider the analogy suggested by the A.R.E.: there is some merit in approaching a possible future time there as the first time and the only time. Ideas and experiences are fresh and new… and there is an urgency in getting full value from the experience in the time available. This would be superior to being there with a sense of “oh, I know this… I’ve heard this before… so, what’s new.”

But the better alternative is to know that you have been there before and that you are building on an established base. Ideas and experiences repeated are reinforcement, helping to insure retention for use. Still, there are new experiences and new insights ever possible. There is a comfort in building for solid future use, for you know you can come again. You have a story to tell, remember, as well as the opportunity of listening to others.

I should like to have your story introduced there in that setting… it should be part of that milieu. Its acceptance would be variable, but some would benefit.

I posed Return to the Beach just as a suggestion, but then I’ve made an awfully strong case for it. I still don’t order it. I just try to make it sound attractive. Yes, you do miss talking to people who can appreciate what We do together.

I shall be with you this evening, surely.

1:33 PM