
SAT., JULY 17, 1982, 7:04 AM

You return this morning, o son, after a busy week. It was legitimate, I suppose, that you not get up early, but, then again, if you consider what you did with evenings your case loses strength. This week ahead must have a different rhythm, one that includes more writing… with Me and on the paper you commenced in such a fine style.

I also encouraged you to keep up the practice with your guitar and songs. When you have conditioned your fingers, why let them become soft again? That is a small talent that I do want you to continue to develop and use. Don’t let it fall into disuse just because you have no immediate need for it.

For your presentation on Monday be sure to include the case/stories that you have written but you not yet typed and put into form for presentation. Then the working part of your Hawaiian venture shall be writing more stories and developing further that style of research and reporting. You shall have time, there, both to hear Me and to create stories. That shall be sufficient. Otherwise it shall be a time of relaxation, enjoyment of that special community and place, and reunion with friends and family. It shall be an important time in your spiritual life… as well as the social. Be aware of the opportunities to see spirit manifested. Appreciate the stories that you hear, either directly or indirectly told. From the teachings you shall do there shall come a future issue of Ruminations.

SAT., JULY 17, 1982, 7:04 AM

You return this morning, o son, after a busy week. It was legitimate, I suppose, that you not get up early, but, then again, if you consider what you did with evenings your case loses strength. This week ahead must have a different rhythm, one that includes more writing… with Me and on the paper you commenced in such a fine style.

I also encouraged you to keep up the practice with your guitar and songs. When you have conditioned your fingers, why let them become soft again? That is a . . .

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