
WED., APR. 22, 1992, 8:50 AM

The early morning group at the church has agreed to give some study and attention to the Revelation of John, about Me, as Jesus. You had forgotten that you had gone through this Book at some time in the past and marked significant passages (as you always should). Now you shall encounter this strange writing again, with some assistance that may seem a bit foolish at times. But I applaud your being part of this group and seeking to learn more from Holy Scripture.

There have been revelations in every age and in most cultures. I am continuously selecting persons to receive such revelations… diverse persons and diverse messages. Partly this is to disseminate truth, which I have and which humans need… and partly just as an exercise in fun. Remember that I have told you repeatedly that I have an incredible sense of fun and humor, and this is manifested in many, many ways. Even in Holy Scripture? You bet. It is fun for Me to see some devout, serious servants of Mine struggling to make serious sense out of some passages… at which they should just smile and say, “That’s a good one, God”.

Yet mixed with these fun experiences are some continuing revelations about Me, in other ways. Some are meant to be taken seriously, with action resulting. I have some desires that I want carried out. I just am not as time conscious as your culture.

This revelation you shall study, again, concerns great battles between good and evil. This is great imagery, and it appeals to many Christians and many others in the earth. Satan somehow got power and in many ways he works to woo humans from Me, to discredit and finally to overcome Me. He seems wilier than I. I seem more naïve and more limited because of My morality. The great classic battle… who shall win?

But then My revelation to you is that this is all of My doing and firmly under My control. Evil and apparent evil are present in the earth in order than spirits may grow and develop. This earth is a unique realm where this happens and, as you see, I am not quick to bring it all to a close. Some acts that seem quite righteous turn out to be rather evil… such as having unwanted children, keeping elderly invalids alive, producing more consumer goods, cutting down forests so that landless people may try to farm…

I have also revealed to you that I haven’t yet decided how to reduce the human population so that the web of life can be sustained in the earth. As I view the whole span of human history this is not clearly the best of times. When I decide and begin to implement means of reducing the numbers of humans and the production of which you are so proud there will be much “wailing and gnashing of teeth.” Satan will be blamed by some, implying that I am powerless to prevent such. I shall be blamed by some, with threats to leave My presence, for I no longer am a loving God. A few, like yourself, will recognize My ultimate aims and will credit Me with proper concern for balance in life. But don’t expect much ardent company in the acceptance of your revelation.

I do not speak with a single tongue in advising you about other, disparate revelations. On the one hand I urge you to consider these, not necessarily for their validity but for the wondrous breadth of My influence in human life. On the other I shall not be bothered if you choose to ignore and avoid revelations that are obviously at odds with ones I offer to you. It’s your dance… but I shall advise, from time to time.

Enter into this study with some zeal. Enjoy the images presented and listen for the truth, presented in varying ways. You may want to write your own apocalypse, given the threats that I have identified for you. This year you have had a much better balance of Scriptural study and Teachings that interpret, explain, and expand. Take advantage of all that is offered, that is possible.

WED., APR. 22, 1992, 8:50 AM

The early morning group at the church has agreed to give some study and attention to the Revelation of John, about Me, as Jesus. You had forgotten that you had gone through this Book at some time in the past and marked significant passages (as you always should). Now you shall encounter this strange writing again, with some assistance that may seem a bit foolish at times. But I applaud your being part of this group and seeking to learn more from Holy Scripture.

There have been revelations in every . . .

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