Revelations… And Mystics

TUES., AUG. 12, 1997, 1:22 PM

As you are reading the Revelation of John, yet again, you seek some guidance from Me, as one well acquainted with mystical matters. You were struck, as you wrote the word in My first “sentence” above, that the first portion of the titular word is “revel”, which implies having fun… making merry… being festive. This final book of My Holy Scripture, then, is BOTH a serious mystical vision AND My having fun. The “fun” part is not the normal interpretation, and I’ll be interested in whether or not you offer this tomorrow in your morning group’s discussion.

As Jesus I was a mystic, even as the emphasis has been more on My humanness. I was born as a baby, I lived a man’s life, and the crucifixion caused My death. This is all quite true, BUT… there was no male sperm cell, necessary for a pregnancy. Mary was pregnant with Me, but it isn’t at all clear that she was anything but a “carrier”. As a man I did some mystical things, with words and with deeds. I fed 5,000 people in some mystical way. I walked on the water toward a boat within which were My disciples. I healed physical anomalies. And, still, I ate… walked… spoke… was just another man… also.

John was a mystic, and I gave him quite a number and variety of visions about continuing life. There were unlikely mental images… like My having a sword coming out of My mouth… and then exact numbers… like 144,000, 12,000 from each Israel tribe being welcomed into heaven. Just see it as a wonderful, purposeful mish mash of serious and fun images.

As I have told you, I have an “agenda” which goes beyond any religion, present, past, or future. I send forth mystics into the earth, most selected for no good reason other than a love for diversity. Only a few of you actually write, in some way, like unto what We do together, so many of you just function in some mystical ways, that are not long remembered. Mystics add variety to earth life, and I like these unique “creations” and “selections”. Some mystics are quite serious, while others are quite full of fun… with a number of combinations of these “polars”.

Each mystic has some sort of “connection” with one or more spiritual realms and therefore has access to knowledge not directly available to others, even other mystics. Mystics should appreciate each other, but do not always do so. Though I am fully aware of all mystical activity, I, as Holy Spirit, do not communicate with all human mystics, as I do with you. You were not picked on the basis of earned merit. I just had fun guiding you through your early life, and on almost to middle age. Then I began to “test” you for “mystical status”. I won’t say that you “earned” this election, but I was, and have been, satisfied with who you are, how you relate to Me, and how you feel about Our relationship.

To complicate it further (in the spirit of fun) some mystics deny this status and many of the experiences they have, while others claim to have mystical powers, without any approval on My part. Thus, in the spirit of fun, yet again, I allow some to claim mystical capacities, which makes it hard to identify clearly those who are “real”. Who’s to blame but Me?

This Revelation, of John’s implied that soon there would be an end to earth life, in its unsavory forms and practices. It is obvious to you that such hasn’t happened yet, and you hear from Me that it isn’t likely to happen soon (which is nearly 2,000 years after the “soon” concept in John’s picture).

My revelation to you is that I am quite satisfied with earth life, as I see it. Evil is a “maya”, a way to see life in “either/or” terms. This isn’t My view, but I have allowed this other view… even to dominate… just as a “way” to be assured of some fundamental diversity here.

I do other things, and I have ways of interacting that you can’t possibly understand or appreciate. You don’t have such a capacity… most human souls don’t. Just be thankful for the gift you have.

2:22 PM