
APRIL 16, 1980, 6:05 AM

Hear the word of the Lord, o favored son… as We talk about reviewing the evidence of our spiritual life together. There were two reviewings yesterday, and each was important. First, the “group” that assembled, giving you the opportunity for a real testimony, a real story of how you got to be where you are now. And then, last night, you reread some of your first writings, including the one in which I first began to speak directly. Let’s use these as a basis for some more reviewing. Know that each is an important symbol.

The group of which you were a part at the Juul’s was, you might have suspected, an evidence of My having fun. It was not really your choice that you read the teaching on Fun. You almost felt the connection… almost but not quite. Yes, people like the eight of you can support and learn from one another. I shall not indicate whether it will be a long term success. Just know that it can be a means for some reviewing by you. It is almost time for you to go back into those teachings and bring forth the pearls that can be most helpful for you now. But also know that they shall be as Scripture – at one time they shall yield one important, needed truth, and at another time another truth will be evident. And there is no end to the value of My Teachings. – from whatever source. So reviewing is essential.

You were a little surprised at the positive response to your readings yesterday. Obviously most were “ready” to hear, and you provided for them. As in many of My relationships there will be benefit to those in the group, but also benefit to you in reviewing Our work together… and hearing other stories as well. Some of these will be the basis for further teachings, and so the marvelous process goes. Continue in the group as long as I indicate that this is what you should do.

The other reviewing you began is also vital to Our work together. You immediately see how you have grown in capacity to hear and to write down My Teachings. Still there is no reason to be critical. The Book of John might be judged to be more spiritually critical that the letter to Philemon. Yet they both are Holy Scripture. Never underestimate the value of any of My work (like unto what Kris was saying about “handicapped” people). Just look for the values, for the positives. Leave the judging and winnowing to Me.

The presentation you shall make at Duluth should have a solid base in these writings. I shall guide you in how you shall identify them, but one central reason for this opportunity for you is the utilization of your scholarship in bringing some of My insights to those who will gather. Thus, the reviewing, o son, becomes the basis for new, fresh concepts… even for ideas about educating toward better spiritual health.

Don’t forget the suggestion about stories. (Just know also that when I introduce something of real significance I repeat it until you incorporate it into yourself. You saw, last night, when “becoming aware” and “appreciating” began… and rhythm. You are almost comfortable with these by now). Consider the story for the convention next week. It could be an important creation.

Reviewing is a spiritually sound exercise. For when you review you recreate, in one sense, the situation in which something was originally encountered or learned, but in juxtaposition with the mind set of the present. There is opportunity then for a more multi-dimensional perception and greater understanding.

You haven’t finished this page, but the teaching is over. Your mind was active, but in positive, desirable ways. You considered the ideas as they came, and this took more time. Yes, be aware this day… and appreciate how My ways are evident in the things that are and that happen.

It was a good morning… and a good day followith.

A gentle Hallelujah.
7:04 AM