Reviewing The Commission

SUNDAY, JULY 19, 1981, 6:03 AM

You looked yesterday, o son, for a teaching from the past that made clear the full nature of Our relationship and of the commission I have asked of you. You found several that had elements of what you want, but nothing “just right” for this group this morning. Since it is important to review this as life goes along anyway, let Me give you a version for this day.

You grew up in a Christian home, and that was a good experience. Still, I began to call you early in your young adult life, and you had the developed maturity to know that I was calling you. Was it predestined? Could you have turned away from My call? You can think of it either way, and you are perfectly comfortable with the understanding that I took the initiative.

I, of course, am the Holy Spirit of the Lord God Almighty, who was in Jesus, the Christ, and, because of his life, death, and resurrection, I am free to be the communicating nature of the Lord God to spirits, many of whom are in human body form in the earth at this time. I am the Fullness of God, not a part; yet God can never be circumscribed by what I do or say. In like fashion, the Bible is the Fullness of the Word, a complete revelation. Still, I can never be circumscribed by the Bible. Beware of the notion that if the Bible does not say something about Me it is not true. I am revealed by the Bible, but not limited by that Holy Work.

As an example, I led you to the understanding that you, and many others, have lived lives in the earth before this one… that the earth is an important testing realm in the growth of spirit. I want all souls to come into relationship with Me, and I am not bound by time or space. All spirits do not return to the earth, but many do, for more growth can be achieved in this realm and growth and maturity can be assessed better than in any other realm. “In My Father’s house are many mansions…” As Jesus I put forth this truth in this rather poetic way. The realms in which spirits, the life force with consciousness, dwell are many… truly many.

So I called you to serve Me in this life as Bob Russell, and you were ready to respond. I called you, in 1964, to share directly with Me, but did not yet identify Myself as I do now. You carried out writing meditations under My direction, but your expectations about My call were not accurate. I needed to have you serve Me as a well-recognized, nationally known professor of health education. You became that in this university setting, and so in your year 1979 I called you quite directly, and you have responded well.

I have called you to remain recognized in your secular field and from this position of respect help develop My important concept that the spirit is an important dimension of health… ye, that it is the unifying dimension to the health of an individual and of communities of people.

SUNDAY, JULY 19, 1981, 6:03 AM

You looked yesterday, o son, for a teaching from the past that made clear the full nature of Our relationship and of the commission I have asked of you. You found several that had elements of what you want, but nothing “just right” for this group this morning. Since it is important to review this as life goes along anyway, let Me give you a version for this day.

You grew up in a Christian home, and that was a good experience. Still, I began to call you early in your . . .

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