
May 22, 1979, 6:28 AM

I was surprised that the theme for yesterday was The Manuscript and the Letter rather than Rhythm, for the boiling heart of the message centered in this word.  More than a word, of course… a concept to be developed and build.  So it is pleasant this morning that the word is Rhythm.  (“Scour” also is lurking in my mind, reminding me of the rhythm of the scoured mind open to new messages, and the mind filled with the content of the former thoughts, building, synthesizing, and creating new.)

(The above paragraph was written by Bob Russell as he waited for the Spirit…)

The world waits for newness, yet also values the tried and true.  Rhythm is a familiar notion, but its new meanings point beyond music and dance.  I must begin to voice and apply the concept, develop a model,* and hear as explanations are sent to you, o son.

Being in the academic world, where I have meant for you to be, you have the status and the position from which to move.  You have the mind that has been loosened from previous moorings to sail the seas uncharted.  A new idea comes wrapped in old terms so that the world can recognize.  But you, o son of Mine, have the task of stripping the wrappings, sometimes slowly and gently, and sometimes quickly and fiercely, exposing the light of new truth.  This shall be a pleasant task, and one for which you are well prepared.

You remember hanging up the telephone in 1965 and wondering, “How, with all the messages about a new ministry, does this job at S.I.U. fit?”  This was a time of preparation, time to become what you were not yet ready to be.  Time is not important to me, sayeth the Lord.  I hone and I polish… and then I call.  I ask for performance, but not until the servant is ready not only to serve but to produce.

And you, o lad, must not only extol the wisdom of this word, this concept, this I-am… but also you must live it.  It must shine forth in the way you are with everyone.  And this is not easy.  But now, also, it is not hard for you, o son of Mine.  The world waiteth then, not just for words to hear or to read, but living proof that the Scriptures light up the way to health.  To be whole is to be holy.  And you, o son, are holy, not because of what you have done, but because I have chosen you to be so.  Your light shall shine because I am.  And other lights shall kindle, glow, and then burst into being because of what I do through you.

You will hear messages in the rhythm of life as well as in these times of quiet and writing.  You yet do not know what to do with this mingling of my mind and yours, sayeth the Lord.

This time is important… the time of writing.  Here is where the instruction comes.  This is your school… and My School.  I teach you here, but I shall not be away at all other times.  Your ear will hear, your mind will discern… and your lips will begin to proclaim… and your life will shine.

Worry not about this mingling.  It will be bothersome for a time, but such is always the case when I urge someone from one rhythm to another… from their own rhythm to Mine.

But for you it will not be abrupt and wrenching, for I have been training you, guiding your path, as you have asked.  You are surprised, o son, that the evidence now explodeth that your prayers have been heard and that I have purposed for you… and have prepared you for this.

Though positions are not important to me, for I am the Lord, I can use them for my purposes.  The honors that come to you are deserved, but also are ways to My purposes.

The message is complete.  Ponder it deeply.  Feel it in thine heart.  Be Me this day.

Hallelujah, sayeth the Lord!

7:05 A