Rhythm, Again

JUNE 22, 1979, 6:28 AM
Yes, rhythm is the concept you MUST develop, o son of Mine, for you must have some presentable form by June 30. (I said I could use time… if it were for My purposes). You need to analyze your own living for examples, for examples will help learners bring forth their own evidences. And from thence comes understanding.

Again, the essence of it is being as fully aware as possible of all that happens in life, seeing the growth possibilities in all of the situations, not just those you judge favorable. (Yes, that’s right.) All healthy life has, to it, a rhythm, a movement, a sunrise-noon-sunset-midnight quality. If there are high moments, there also must be lows… else what is high higher than?

Christians and secular healthy people do not like to admit to have these “negative” experiences, but then they deny the rhythm reality and appreciate (and are aware of) only part of life. And this is, by My thinking, unhealthy.

Now, as I’ve also told you before (which goes with your own understanding), different people have different rhythms. Some people have few experiences with illness, with disability, with death, with situations that are beyond their control. Some people, by their very birth and position in life, have little chance for a job, property, education, and respect for others. Thus, some have experiences they are much more willing to consider and appreciate, while others flounder blindly, overcome by their circumstances. You thought of the black family, On the Road, and you thought of Phil Hansen. Both are good examples of health shining forth out of circumstances low. They did not deny their past; rather they showed awareness and appreciation and were thus free to learn and to grow to the rhythm which was beyond that with which they started.

Forget not For everything there is a season… and a time for every matter under heaven. Review the “time fors…” (even now)

Some of life involves deciding “what time is it now” and acting accordingly. You sometimes disparage My gift of will. It is a powerful part of My human creations. So don’t deny will; just affirm the more powerful potential of My Will and of Its capacity to move you where I want you to be. But when I am not acting, your will is engaged. You understand this. Just explain it more truly.

Your dealing with your short sickness was commendable. You admitted its existence, were aware of its presence. You dealt with its necessities, and yet did not lose the other Assembly opportunities. There was a nice rhythm to that. I was proud of you.

The evidence is also clear that you dealt with your fence scratches in a healthy fashion. It occurs to you that your awareness of the whole situation, seeing it as a part of your life’s rhythm, may have been responsible for your capacity to tolerate the alcohol. Think on that.

This whole trip has been an experience in new rhythms… or new influences on your established rhythm. Your evaluation of this, with My help, is important, for you need to appreciate how all portions, great and small, expected and unexpected were important… to your being AND to your growth.

Yes, you must shift to your writing this coming week. There is much you must do, and I say that this is the time. It is not the time to relax and drink, but to show yourself ready as My representative among your field’s writers. I can’t accomplish that if you don’t do the performing. OK, I shall exert My will along with yours.

Keep this also clear. This rhythm concept does not negate all other definitions, descriptions and ideas of health. It is the idea I want you to put forth. Remember the others. Use them when they are useful. But priorities change. Ancient good can become uncouth (That is a bad line, My servant felt that it rhymed… and there is some merit to that!) But the new is not necessarily better. Rather, it adds something that present understandings lack. Present it as such, without grandeur and pomp. Worry not over those who taste briefly and reject. But, as you have done rather well with the Continuum, have learners give their own examples as soon as possible. Have them relate evidence of positive health and of events and times when they were not aware and appreciative. Are you aware of the tick, the tock, and the time between? Each is important to the distinctiveness of each other.

Awareness and Appreciation. See… these two descriptors have emerged to assist. There shall be more. Await them.
Appreciate this day fully. Feel it as a transition back to another rhythm. Bear this in mind as you plan.
Continue your faithfulness to Me. My grace shall undergird what you do. Follow My ways and BE AWARE.

7:34 AM