Rhythm… Again

July 4, 1979, 6:00 AM

Do not resist, o son, this theme as I send it to you.  From time to time it requires review and expansion.  You have not done well in presenting it as yet.  Since you realize this, do not resist instruction toward that title.

Rhythm is the essence of a healthy life.  A life lived in a healthy fashion is one lived in rhythm… with awareness of that rhythm and appreciation of the elements and events that constitute the rhythm.  You’re right, in your thought, that this still isn’t clear.  More instruction is necessary.

There is the rhythm of eating and not eating, of drinking and not drinking, of speaking and not speaking.  A time for and a time not for.  And an important one, for you spirits on earth, is… a time to be born and a time to die.  In between there is a time to be young, to be fully functional and productive, and a time to be old.  Health is knowing, and being able to live out, what time is it now?

For Lenore to be away and doing a new thing is a new rhythm within your relationship.  Be fully aware of it.  Appreciate as fully as you can, its advantages and its sorrows.  Adjust the rhythm of your life to her non-presence as long as this is so.  And then readjust to the better rhythm of being back together when this occurs.

There certainly are “bad” events in life.  Yet it is equally true that all events are part of life’s rhythm.  Whatever happens to you, whether of Me or not of Me, whether intended by you or accidental, is part of the rhythm of your life.  Frustration and clearing are both part of the rhythm.  Accomplishing and not accomplishing are rhythmic.  There is even a rhythm to how much of the rhythm you set and make happen and how much you just feel and react to.

You were not fully aware of this in the early morning hours.  You want to see My servant Billy on television, you want to do this writing, but you didn’t want to stay up after you were aroused.  There was a rhythm there that you dealt with adequately, but without full appreciation until now.

So, this day, be aware.  Appreciate.  And see how it affects your living.  Then (w)We (better) shall reflect upon this tomorrow. I have told you that this is not simple and easy.  It is not.  And yet soon you will find that it is.  Part of the rhythm of learning.

Live fully today.  I am your Master and Guide.  Hear Me, both from without and from within.  Lead on, O King eternal.  I shall.


6:49 AM