Rhythm… Not Yet

TUES., FEB. 16, 1999, 7:02 AM

It is somewhat disappointing that while you have been Emeritus (even retired) for nearly a year and a half you have not yet established and settled into the rhythm that both you and I want for these last years of earth life. This is symbolized by this study and its continuing clutter, which you can’t seem to master. So as the sun appears to rise on a cool winter morn I’ll comment in ways meant to help.

First, I’ll agree that the rhythm you seek will not be as “productive” as the life rhythm you’ve had for these many years. Your goals should be few. One, of course, is to come often for these Teachings of Mine, to re-read them often, and keep them organized as you have them now. Then, from these shall come 4 issues of Our Ruminations, one for each season of the year. This is a goal, a reasonable one, that I’ve set for you, the one major way I have for reaching some of your family, friends, colleagues, and “others” (some unknown to you).

You still have a small connection with the University, and this shall continue for some time. There will be opportunities for presentations like unto the one next week, and as these are offered… yes, accept them. You shall have to decide, soon, whether or not you will go to the conference in Boston and participate as is scheduled. You’re losing your adaptability in relation to these conventions, so continue, as long as it is reasonably comfortable.

However, you can anticipate that there will be a time, in the future, when it will be time to leave that place to “the actives”. You’ll know when that time has come. Not yet… but… Your movement “away” had been gradual, and this is right for you. I’ll let you know when the rhythm should go on, without this connection. (So, you may or may not ever move, completely into your small office, with pictures up, as you should have them. We’ll see.)

You have made some “pledges” or “gifts” which are not being fulfilled. You said you would keep this upstairs… and the stairs… clean, as your contribution to a neat “mansion”., and you haven’t worked that into your best rhythm yet. You also pledged a letter a month to son Bob, and you’re behind in that, too. These are worthy elements of your present rhythm… and I’m just reminding you. And there are other letters that should come forth. You’re not to become a complete recluse.

The two major hallmarks of each week are well established – Bible study on Wednesday morning and church on Sunday. I approve of these… as giving a good balance to each 7 day period. Other events can then be related to these “constants”, of which I approve, naturally.

So this rhythm that We’re seeking has some constants, some organization, but also includes much freedom to “be”… and to grow in spirit. You have little need for more “information” (you’re to be in the very slow lane of the “information superhighway”.) Yet some “events” in the daily and weekly news have spiritual content, so you needn’t retire completely from connection with “the outside world”.

This Farm affords you the opportunities to be physically active, and I recommend such, for as long as possible. It’s almost time to start the garden, deciding what that shall provide this season ahead. The firewood supply seems adequate… but also remember that you’re not comfortable cutting wood in the hot summer.

The main “task” that lies ahead, in order that the just right rhythm might prevail is the true cleaning up and organization of this study… and a functional plan to keep it from reaching this messy stage again. Make some decisions. Put them into action. I’ll just guarantee (well, almost) that your life rhythm will be much more enjoyable if you plan and execute this task.

TUES., FEB. 16, 1999, 7:02 AM

It is somewhat disappointing that while you have been Emeritus (even retired) for nearly a year and a half you have not yet established and settled into the rhythm that both you and I want for these last years of earth life. This is symbolized by this study and its continuing clutter, which you can’t seem to master. So as the sun appears to rise on a cool winter morn I’ll comment in ways meant to help.

First, I’ll agree that the rhythm you seek will not be . . .

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