Rhythm, Yet Again

SUN., MAY 17, 1987, 6:00 AM

As you look back to the first month of this meditation it is disquieting to find that the actual record and your memory of My becoming your overt Teacher do not agree. Consider this like unto the Gospel stories. They differ, but each has merit… each contains important truth. There is no doubt, however, that the first theme that I offered to you was this one of rhythm as the best way of considering health, your professional field. So as it comes close to the third of our “anniversaries” hear, yet again, what I have to say about rhythm.

The concept of rhythm is one with purpose, with balance, but not one of just endless repetition. The healthy person remains so by continuously balancing the dimensions of being with the opportunities and challenges of life. In any great piece of music there is a basic rhythm but also many sub-themes and variations that make the hearing of it memorable and pleasurable. The basic rhythm of a Christian’s life is relationship with Me, but this can take many forms. One very overt one was that practiced by My Latter Day Saints, with a solemn ritual/ceremony in which the young boy receives the Holy Spirit and consciously accepts that I shall guide him throughout the rest of life. Most Christians have a much less specific sense of My influence in their lives, but some acceptance of this is the basic rhythm of life.

Requests for prayer are desires to change the rhythm, wanting Me to exert more control and influence. Whether I do or not is problematic. The fact that a request is made indicates a change in a person’s rhythm, usually toward a better tone. But not necessarily. Some requests for prayer can be substitutes for purposeful action or for good old hard work. When a person wants “Me to do it,” instead of being the active servant that relationship with Me makes possible I am not pleased. For one result may be disappointment that I have not set everything right and a conscious moving away from Me… into a less purposeful and productive rhythm.

This weekend you are in transition from one teaching rhythm to another. You have no doubt of the value of this course, but you must be able to generate enthusiasm and sustain interest for five hours each afternoon. You must also work against the feeling that this will all be over in two weeks, and for the feeling that it is a real privilege to be able to concentrate attention on one important aspect of health for this period of time.

Death itself is part of the rhythm of life – for each individual, for the life of a family, for human life, and for all life. The understanding of disease processes has helped to change the rhythm of human life to one generally longer and more productive. Other aspects of modern medicine almost prevent the rhythm of a life from finishing out as it should. This day many people lie in beds, sustained by medical treatment, whose natural rhythm would have them gone from the old bodies and on into realms of spirit. It is hard to know how to make such choices, but a better rhythm of life does not unduly limit the young in favor of infirm old.

SUN., MAY 17, 1987, 6:00 AM

As you look back to the first month of this meditation it is disquieting to find that the actual record and your memory of My becoming your overt Teacher do not agree. Consider this like unto the Gospel stories. They differ, but each has merit… each contains important truth. There is no doubt, however, that the first theme that I offered to you was this one of rhythm as the best way of considering health, your professional field. So as it comes close to the third of our “anniversaries” hear, yet . . .

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