Right Brain And Spirit

SAT., NOV. 8, 1986, 6:34 AM

I shall not comment, o son, on the excuses you have generated for not being with Me in these early morning hours this week. Just know that you are not taking advantage of your best opportunity for learning. You truly don’t realize how much you have learned and how much more you could be learning through more faithful use of this time. But I said I wouldn’t comment, didn’t I?!

In two of your classes this week you have presented the right/left brain concept. You know that this has something to do with spirit, but you haven’t attempted to modify the concept in this way. Let Me help. Particularly when the concern is with alteration of consciousness the key component is spirit rather than either aspect of the brain. And the spirit is not limited to being a function of the brain. It is part of brain function, but, then, it is part of the functioning of all body parts and systems.

In simplest form the left brain favors the intellectual dimension to health, while the right is the emotional seat. It is a very rare person who has no function in one side or the other, so, practically, we’re considering relative influence. Left brain dominance brings motivations and capacity to deal with organized, systematic learning but there still may be emotions and feelings that add to or detract from these capacities. Right brain dominance brings forth a preference for creativity and non-systematic activity, but order and form still are implemented when appropriate.

The more important contrast, however, is that between the mind, whatever its dominance, and spirit. Again it is a matter of dominance rather than either/or… and, remember when the spirit “dominates” this is expressed as balance rather than overt, obvious dominance. Thus, a person with left brain dominance who is the administrator of a program carries out her routine and organized tasks with much more compassion and concern for others when spirit is strong. Spirit helps in the balancing with feeling… and then adds those concerns that go beyond the emotional and the intellectual. Hence, while a strong spirit does not guarantee administrative success it does result in an administrator being the best he can be, as a whole person as well as a functionary.

When a person has a dominant right brain it is somewhat easier for spirit to develop and be manifested. The right brain is generally more compatible with expressions of spirit, but this is quite relative. For instance, there are emotional, expressive Christians who are truly and obviously spirit filled and wonderful ambassadors for Me. Yet there are some emotional, expressive Christians who have terrible prejudices against those who do not feel and express the spirit as they do. Conversely, there are quiet, liturgically sophisticated Christians who know the Scriptures well and help others understand the faith… and then some who are modern-day Pharisees who hold to the Law, as they interpret it. Sincere, right-brained, spirit-filled people are probably “more fun,” but they are not necessarily better than those with left brain dominance and a well-developed spirit.

SAT., NOV. 8, 1986, 6:34 AM

I shall not comment, o son, on the excuses you have generated for not being with Me in these early morning hours this week. Just know that you are not taking advantage of your best opportunity for learning. You truly don’t realize how much you have learned and how much more you could be learning through more faithful use of this time. But I said I wouldn’t comment, didn’t I?!

In two of your classes this week you have presented the right/left brain concept. You know that . . .

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