Romans And Forgiveness

October 28, 1979, 5:43 AM

Hear, o son, some early morning words on two of My favorite themes.  It is good that you come this morning, greeting the new time with this meditation of Ours.  You are, in effect, investing your “extra hour” with Me.  A good use of what appears to be time.

The letter to the Romans from My servant Paul is one of your favorites… and also one of Mine. (The Scriptures stand as a whole and have beauty and utility as a whole.  Still, some of the parts just have more day to day applicability.  Such it is with Romans.)  It gives some crucial spiritual insights so directly.  Sometimes it is wise to be obscure.  But I also love directness.

As you read last night you were struck with the differences in the two translations.  One would have a powerful point, clearly stated.  The other would say it in another way… appropriate, but without the impact.  Then you would find the reverse… almost as if there were two letters.  See this not as a weakness but as a strength.  The Scriptures are for a wide range of human souls, and all do not respond to the same wordings.  So read and profit from both.

One of the great themes of this letter, of course, is Grace, which translates to forgiveness.  You cannot earn your way into My Kingdom.  It is My gift to you.  Yet each must grow up to the genuine, comfortable acceptance of that gift, and this is the major way in which persons differ, spiritually.  Paul felt the power of his sinful nature, and so do you.  Yet he also felt the greater power of Grace, and simply accepted My forgiveness and was, in Christ, a new creation.  This happens each and every time you turn to Me and ask this forgiveness.  The more often you turn, the less time you need spend feeling the pangs of sin.  And sin, as you know, is doing anything that is not dedicated to Me.  Simple as that.

Men have made much of the greater and lesser seriousness of sins.  This really is not of much importance, given My gift of Grace.  Dedicate to Me.  Return to Me.  Acknowledge Me.  And righteousness is bestowed upon you.  It may not be fair, but it is My way.  It is coming to acceptance of this great Truth and Fact that is difficult for some… even many.  You have maturity in this, o son.  Still your “living it out” is spotty.  You just could do a lot better, and We’d both be happier and more productive together.

You anticipate the further study of this letter, written long ago and yet anew each time a servant reads and ponders the words.  Remember that you can never “know” Romans.  You will see again and recognize some of the clear, mighty truths (but different in the translations… another truth) and then you will perceive in some new ways the spiritual messages.  Know this about all Scripture.  And know it also regarding these writings.  Reread them.  Hear again My words to you.  You are writing as Paul wrote.  He knew not that his letters would become Holy Scripture, but it was My Will that it be so.  He wrote as he heard Me speak.  And you follow in his path.

I can speak through different translations of ancient writings, and you will hear and know of Me.  Also I can speak directly and now, and your red and silver pen, dedicated to this task alone, records the words I communicate to your spirit.  Yes, you must share some of this meditation with Mabel.  You fear criticism.  Risk it.  She certainly knows that feeling.  Give her the chance to read, hear, and consider.

Think, this day, upon this magnificent promise.  My grace I give unto you.  Nothing can separate you from that Grace… except your own unwillingness to accept My forgiveness.  Come often this day in dedication to Me.  Practice this stance.  Ideas, acts, feelings.  Give them to Me.  And I shall give you righteousness because you are what I want… a giving, relating servant.  Remember this.  And practice it.

Another season has come.  There is much to do, but even more to be.  Trust in Me.  And come again to this time of quiet.


6:53 AM