Rooster… And The Rhythm

JUNE 6, 1979, 6:15 AM

This day, instead of giving your first hour, your “first fruits” to hearing and writing, o son, you were in action. And you discerned right… that this was a symbol between Us (and the capital here, as I have had you use before, symbolizes that you come up to Me, not Me down to you; when We are in partnership it Us, not us). You must live the rhythm, and come to see that the rhythms of lives are ever moving, away from the pleasant, toward the undesirable, then toward the rewarding and away from the negative. The lower loops of rhythm are not to be avoided, but to be fully experienced.

Wish not that life were other. Wish not that trials come. For it is out of the panorama of experiences that true health is. And genuine, positive health then becomes a means to appreciate further all of the experiences of life.

You saw this is Our game, and you knelt and pledged first what was reasonable, then what was grandiose (and I smiled!), but unlikely now. Yes, you shall write for another month… and perhaps longer. It was time for that pledge and you hadn’t made it yet (though you were thinking, upon rereading, that you would go on beyond the one moon promised.) You were surprised that I didn’t fulfill “my end”. You know you can count on Me, but I have My total purposes, and all that you wish from Me is not automatic. Worry not about the rooster. Life goes on with or without him. He is safe. That’s all I’ll say.

Action is what I want from you… with clear discernment as to what the activity means. NO ACTIVITY IS WITHOUT MEANING OR MERIT. You have a sense of this, but have felt that this was more Eastern than Christian. It seems to be, but isn’t. Jesus (Who became The Christ) was born in a stable and was crucified on a cross. He preached in love to many, and He prayed alone in agony. These are memorable parts of His story, and He was the Christ because He lived the experiences fully, and He appreciated them fully because He was the Christ. He was and is Me, the Lord, the Spirit. (And so may you be!)

Go at this teaching (and living) gently, because I purpose for you to remain credible among your colleagues and students. But artfully lead where there is evident breakthrough and understanding. Proclaim and then retreat. But know that it is a rhythm… and the end result is Mine. Yes, I repeat myself, but, as you know, if I want you to learn something, and not be unsure of the message I bring the Word in many forms but recognizable as constant.

JUNE 6, 1979, 6:15 AM

This day, instead of giving your first hour, your “first fruits” to hearing and writing, o son, you were in action. And you discerned right… that this was a symbol between Us (and the capital here, as I have had you use before, symbolizes that you come up to Me, not Me down to you; when We are in partnership it Us, not us). You must live the rhythm, and come to see that the rhythms of lives are ever moving, away from the pleasant, toward the undesirable, then toward the rewarding and away . . .

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