Ruminations On The Earth

JAN. 2, 1982, 6:56 AM

You seem to feel the need, o son, to focus this next issue of Ruminations on some of the teachings I have given to you about this earth – and My interest in and concern for it. I told you, some time ago (apparently) that the next one should deal with alcohol and alcoholism, but as long as you know that is going to be produced this year it matters not, really, whether it comes before or after the one on earth. So you can rest your mind and spirit on that choice issue. Your choice is quite all right with Me.

Let’s ruminate first on what you have done this morning already and how it relates to this issue. With an armload of wood, some of which you cut, gathered, and split and some of which you purchased (from someone else who cut and split it) you built two fires. These already are preventing the temperature from dropping in the house, and will soon raise the temperature to a rather pleasant one, despite the cold outside. This is now part of your life cycle here on the Farm during this winter season. Yet it is not something everyone could or should do. You see how fast the pile of wood is burned, and you see that even a small tree can be burned up in but a few days. Other fuels are necessary, and yet the ones you “advanced” folks are using shall not last long at the profligate rate at which you are using them.

There may be new and important discoveries. I shall not say for sure. I am involved in this research process, but it is not one of My priorities, and therefore I leave it in the natural realm. I will say, however, that no major breakthrough, in your earthly life span, will be without its dangerous drawbacks.

You see, I just have to say it again. The population of human beings has gotten out of desirable proportion with the rest of the life on the earth. The maintenance of all human life conceived is not one of My absolutes… and is not quite undesirable. All right, it is perfectly permissible for you to ask, “If You are in charge, why has this happened? Why does a condition develop that is against Your Will?”

Symbolically, the Garden of Eden was the set of conditions in which I controlled matters, and humans accepted My Sovereignty completely. Knowledge of this gives important perspective, but it was not meant to be the permanent condition of the earth. Humans were created to want to know what I know and to want to act independently, even against My Will. It is not disconcerting to Me (though I sometimes act and speak as if it is) because I have the perspective of many other realms of being in which these conflicts, this independence, is simply not a reality.

JAN. 2, 1982, 6:56 AM

You seem to feel the need, o son, to focus this next issue of Ruminations on some of the teachings I have given to you about this earth – and My interest in and concern for it. I told you, some time ago (apparently) that the next one should deal with alcohol and alcoholism, but as long as you know that is going to be produced this year it matters not, really, whether it comes before or after the one on earth. So you can rest your mind and spirit on . . .

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