Running… And… Waiting

MON., OCT. 1, 1984, 6:22 AM

Running is something you do well, o son. I refer, of course, not just to physical running, but to the life of activity expected of a middle class American professional. You are expected to run, to accomplish, to achieve, and you still do this rather well. You feel that I, the Holy Spirit, now in regular communication with you, do My share to keep you running… and I do suggest activities for you that do become part of the “press” of your life. At the same time, I urge you to continue your professional work and remain a productive scholar, an activated teacher, and a senior giver of service in your field.

Today I come with the message: in the midst of your running, apply the balance of waiting. Run for the Lord. Wait for and upon the Lord. Life should be a balance of these attitudes/behaviors. I hope to be able to clarify this important concept.

Running is accomplishing goals with tangible results. It is working on several matters at the same time. It is budgeting time, getting up early, staying up late, exerting discipline, feeling pressure (particularly that of your own developed conscience), and putting out that vital “second effort”. It is accomplishing what I want you to accomplish, when I give you a time limit. It is constantly considering the various roles you have, some chosen, some just a natural part of your life, and some urged on you by others and by Me.

Running may be for Me… and it also may be away from Me. Even as you doing one of the tasks I have recommended you may be staying away from active relationship with Me. I know that sometimes you fear that I will give you some more running to do (without giving you extra time), and hence you run “away”.

The balance to running is waiting, say I (at least on this day). This Teaching is a combination. It is a form of running, for you expect to fill three full pages in about an hour. You consider, even as you write, how this could be used… how it can be part of the service you render, using these Teachings as a means. Yet you must wait until I offer you a title. You must wait, often, for words to come. If you did not wait on Me, that which you write would be much less true, and much less useful.

Waiting may also mean giving time to your granddaughters, mowing your grass, sitting and appreciating the beauty of this and other portions of planet Earth (My Creation)… just being, rather than doing. Yes, this means that often what you see as “wasting time” is actually waiting. (At other times I have chided you… and will again… for wasting time, but here I call it waiting… and I am calling it good. And necessary.)

Consider this analogy: as you are driving a car you come to a traffic light. If it is green, you continue “running” and go right on through, while others wait. If it is amber, you may decide to run faster, so that a wait is not necessary, even as you know this is dangerous. If it is red, you wait. This allows others to go, who could not if it were all “your way”. Or it may be that you must just wait… for a new “season” of running.

MON., OCT. 1, 1984, 6:22 AM

Running is something you do well, o son. I refer, of course, not just to physical running, but to the life of activity expected of a middle class American professional. You are expected to run, to accomplish, to achieve, and you still do this rather well. You feel that I, the Holy Spirit, now in regular communication with you, do My share to keep you running… and I do suggest activities for you that do become part of the “press” of your life. At the same time, I urge . . .

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