Sabbath Musings

SUN., MAR. 22, 1992, 6:10 AM

Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. You recognize this as one of My original Commandments. There is no Commandment regarding excessive alcohol or other drug use… nor one about sexual or other abuses. But there is this positive one about “keeping the Sabbath.” I shall offer you words of wisdom on this theme on a dreary morning.

The original Sabbath was Saturday, which, even on the calendar you now use, is the last day of the week. This makes if fit with the first Creation story, when I rested on the 7th day, after a work week of 6 days, you are to “rest in Me” on the 7th day… not just rest, but do what is necessary to keep the day holy. The Christian Sabbath is now on Sunday, for in your tradition I, as Jesus, was crucified on Friday, was descended to the dead on Saturday, and rose to continuing eternal life on Sunday. Thus, if the Sabbath is a day to remember and celebrate your Christian heritage the most important event in your heritage is My resurrection, My conquering of death, in this symbolic way. There is little point in remember a Jewish heritage when you have a more powerful Christian one.

The original Sabbath was a holy remembrance of the creation and of the need for rest from work. In other words, it was a simulation of My action as Almighty God, in working to create the natural earth, symbolically done in 6 days. The symbol is that all the work that you or anyone does is creative. Most people don’t see their work in this way. You do, and I call this good. See everything that you do, which you call work., as acts of creation. Then on the 7th day you rest from creation and just keep the day holy. As you know this became a “monster” in terms of “laws” as to what you couldn’t do. It is one of the supreme examples of turning a spiritual principle into a set of do’s and don’t’s, with mostly taboos.

The Christian Sabbath is now on the first day of the week. As the week begins you are to remember that I triumphed over death, that you, too, have eternal, everlasting life, and that I have taken your sins upon Me, even sins not yet imagined and committed. Easter Sunday is the especial celebration of this symbolic event, but I tell you that each Sunday, each Sabbath, must be a renewal of the knowledge of how privileged you are as a human.

I came to earth as a babe, and I lived a short life of ministry, major events of which and teachings that I offered are in My Holy Scriptures. I let it be proclaimed that I was the Messiah, the One to lead My chosen people from servitude into power. But most misunderstood, and expected this to be earthly power. My followers were disappointed, and My “enemies” were feeling threatened. And thus I was condemned and crucified for claiming leadership that was spiritual rather than temporal.

Now you and your fellow Christians see that this was “the Way.” I won’t say it was “necessary,” because there are innumerable ways I could have been your spiritual leader. “The Way” was humiliation, defeat, and death. The “week” closes with Me dead and gone. A new week commences with Me alive and active, and with your sins forgiven. With your hand in Mine evil is of no relevance or significance. This is what you are to remember as you begin each week.

Also please see another symbol. In years your life is linear. You were born in a year that shall never be repeated, as each subsequent year will not. You were born. You live. And in some year you shall die. On a weekly basis, however, your life is circular. Each week there is a new Sabbath, and then a work week to live out the holy remembrance of that first day. There have been many past Sabbaths, there is one today, and there shall be others as weeks circle by. This symbolizes that life is also continuous, with different manifestations, just as weeks are different from one another.

SUN., MAR. 22, 1992, 6:10 AM

Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. You recognize this as one of My original Commandments. There is no Commandment regarding excessive alcohol or other drug use… nor one about sexual or other abuses. But there is this positive one about “keeping the Sabbath.” I shall offer you words of wisdom on this theme on a dreary morning.

The original Sabbath was Saturday, which, even on the calendar you now use, is the last day of the week. This makes if fit with the first Creation story, when I rested . . .

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