
SUN., JULY 10, 1983, 5:56 AM

You knew last night that you should be writing this morning, o son. You awoke in time. You considered other alternatives, some of them worthy. But here you are, writing, and the theme is Mine, not yours. It is time to give you some more direction about this sabbatical matter that I have mentioned, but briefly, before.

I use the term “sabbatical” in its practical rather than its literal sense. It shall be a time, in your church life, when you cease doing what you usually do and do, instead, something that involves learning about other ways to worship, to study, and to be “the people of God.” I then would desire that you come back to the Presbyterian Church with some new insights and apply them as appropriate as you are able.

As I have told you before I do not wish for you to be merely a fringe observer. You have the ability and the willingness, given some encouragement, to become part of a group, particularly one spiritual oriented and attuned, rather quickly. Your relative success at the Fort Worden Conference, of which you have spoken rather freely, should be enough of an example. You are not to become a member of a new group, and you are not to take on long term responsibilities, but you are to participate actively in the life of the group for the time that you are with them.

I desire that Lenore accompany you on this venture but she shall have to decide whether she accedes to this desire or not. I predict that she will because she has responded positively to these Teachings thus far and does not have major doubts about the Source of these meditations. You are a rather good “team”, as these husband-wife “duos” are these days. Together you can have insights that neither could have alone. Extend her My personal invitation to be a part of this spiritual sabbatical.

I have decided to be rather specific so you won’t have to wonder and flounder. This should commence the first Sunday in September and go through May of next year. I realize that October shall be a problem month because of conferences scheduled, so I shall not give you an exact ending time for the first experience. It could be at the end of November, but it also might extend through Christmas. Let this flexibility stand for the moment.

The first experience shall be with the Evangelical Presbyterians. The ones following probably shall be as you now consider, but I shall not have you write them as definite this morning. This small group of Evangelical Christians shall provide you with much food for thought. Keep a notebook. Record experiences and reactions thereto. Ask questions. Be a true inquirer. Try to get a feel for their worship style, for their ways and focuses of teaching, and for the nature of their fellowship. Be an active part of this congregation for the time assigned and learn as much as you can from and about them.

You shall tell Duane and Carolyn about this and shall discuss it with Wyatt before your first visit there. Let Carolyn decide, but I see no good reason why you shouldn’t continue to write the Newsletter. That shall symbolize your continuing tie to this congregation. You should have no more problems than you have now.

SUN., JULY 10, 1983, 5:56 AM

You knew last night that you should be writing this morning, o son. You awoke in time. You considered other alternatives, some of them worthy. But here you are, writing, and the theme is Mine, not yours. It is time to give you some more direction about this sabbatical matter that I have mentioned, but briefly, before.

I use the term “sabbatical” in its practical rather than its literal sense. It shall be a time, in your church life, when you cease doing what you usually do and do, instead, something . . .

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