
Nov. 21, 1979, 5:05 AM

This day of being commences early for you, o son, and, in a sense, this is a sacrifice.  In the best spiritual sense you are giving up something good for something better.  You also are being faithful in your “tithe” to me… giving me the first hour of a busy day (necessarily begun early).

Sacrifice is pleasing to Me.  The content of the sacrifice is not particularly important.   It is the spirit that is vital.  It is the desire to give, the willingness which reaches My heart.  And therefore I commend it to you as a part of your relations with others.  Do for others what they would not expect you to do.  Do for others what is good for them, but not truly necessary.  And if your motives are genuine the benefit will be as much to you as to the other.  You cannot do it in order to gain benefit, but they will flow if your spirit is “in the right place”.

Sacrifice is thus a part of spiritual health.  As you have spoken of this dimension of well-being you have not included this as an example.  It is a good one.  Human interaction is generally seen as appropriately stopping when there is some potential harm to one of those in relation.  It becomes spiritual, then, when you risk that harm in order to do good for another.  Perhaps the harm is real.  It must be borne (Perhaps you will be sleepy today; that must be experienced). Sacrifice may or may not cost, but you must be willing to pay if it is necessary.  This giving of self for other, even at a cost, is the essence of the interaction which is spiritual.  Remember this.  Use it as a prime example.

To write your Christmas letter at this time would be another form of sacrifice.  If you don’t begin the process now… soon… you’ll not have one again.  I desire that you do this.  It is part of what I would have you be in this world of Mine.  Yes, it will take sacrifice, but you must do it.  It must glow with the spirit…  and the Spirit.  I shall help, but you must be willing.  The sacrifice is yours to offer.

Experiences of yesterday were instructional.  You read the Esalen article, and your strong faith wobbled.  You shared the message of yesterday as directed, and the response was far from ringing.  Yet you came today, seeking, in a way, to achieve a perspective on these happenings.   You heard one of the answers just as you rose: all Scripture is not brilliant and enlightening.  Each word from My mouth is not a thunder clap.  There are many purposes for My Words.  Only one is to astound and transfix.  The Holy Bible is Holy Scripture.  By definition.  But a lot of it is rather dull, by charismatic standards.  It requires sacrifice to read those words through and incorporate their value.  Some are meant to confuse.  Some are meant to test your faith.

Remember again.  Your faith in Me must be tested from time to time.  Faith is the essence of things hoped for… the evidence of things unseen.  It would not be faith (another important dimension of spiritual health, incidentally) if it were not faced with challenge.  Is what we are doing real, or is it just a sham, like others so exposed?  You can have faith… believe… and carry on (as you are now) or you can doubt… stew… believe in nothing.  Check out the results.  Which results in a more dynamic life?  Which gives a purpose and a direction – from the past, through the present, and on into the future?  Choose ye this day whom you will serve.  I manifest in many forms and for many purposes.  You shall never understand more than a small portion of My ways.  Hold fast to that which you do understand.  Your faith makes you whole.  Your faith makes you free.  Allegiance to Me is ultimate freedom.

Sacrifice is a necessary part of spiritual life.  The healthy person sacrifices.  Risk and ye shall find.  And it shall be worth risk.

I’ll say again.  Review these words of instruction.  See how they help with your teaching, writing, and very being.  The proof is in the testing.  I go with you this day.  Acknowledge Me often.


6:00 AM