
SAT., JULY 24, 1993, 6:57 AM

One feature of every spiritual path, of every faith journey, is sacrifice. My favorite way of describing such a practice (which you learned years ago) is, “giving up something good for something better”. For sacrifice does imply that you give up something of value to you, something that makes life good… or that is necessary for continued full functioning.

When I encourage you to come for these Teachings the first waking hour of the day, and other activities commence at a fairly early time you must then sacrifice an hour of potential sleep in order to have the Teaching and also function fully in the day. Because you didn’t get yourself up at 6:00 when you first awoke you shall have to avail yourself of the “loophole” I have allowed: you may have to stop this and finish it later in the day. In the context of this morning’s theme your sacrifice of sleep was insufficient.

On the other hand a certain amount of sleep is a necessity… and finishing a Teaching that is begun in sacrifice means the sacrifice of some other activity in the day. Now the promise of taking Sarah fishing means that you stop this now, and finish later. Choices, choices.

( 7:19 / 9:12 )

Keep trying to realize and remember that doing something with the grandchildren which they really can’t do yet, while not enjoyable at the time, is appreciated as they remember and talk about it. Sacrifice almost always has rewards that surface later.

Fortunately, you are not enamored of much that your materialistic culture tries to peddle, so it is not much of a sacrifice to not have new cars, expensive clothes, and the like. You do like to have money that can be given or loaned to sons and their families. It is a sacrifice, of sorts, to give out money that probably will never be returned, but then I encourage you to think… what better use of money that has come to you for work that is easy and enjoyable? Continue to give to others until it at least seems to be a sacrifice.

You feel for this son whose confidence in himself and in “the system” exceeded the reality of this time. Now he must sacrifice, in some ways as you did in your early years, and in some ways that are even more painful. Talk with him, letting him know that you share his plight. It would be easier just to remain silent, but I call on you to make the sacrifice of comfort and enter, more activity, into his discomfort.

Having time for yourself is an enjoyable luxury for you. Thus it is a form of sacrifice when you volunteer or are forced into giving time to others, like that to your granddaughters this morning. This meditation was interrupted, so I was part of the sacrifice. Carry out these sacrifices with as much spirit and positive feeling as you can muster.

The story that you are watching unfold, this longest of TV series, is one of sacrifices… and choices of sacrifices, that symbolizes the reality of earth life combined with a recognition of and faithfulness to Me.

SAT., JULY 24, 1993, 6:57 AM

One feature of every spiritual path, of every faith journey, is sacrifice. My favorite way of describing such a practice (which you learned years ago) is, “giving up something good for something better”. For sacrifice does imply that you give up something of value to you, something that makes life good… or that is necessary for continued full functioning.

When I encourage you to come for these Teachings the first waking hour of the day, and other activities commence at a fairly early time you must then sacrifice an hour of . . .

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