Safe In The Flock

SUN., APR. 25, 1994, 5:50 AM

Yes, o son, you are safe in the flock. I, the Holy Spirit Whom I, as Jesus, sent to help struggling humans here in the earth, am with you and tell you this. And now you have a more pressing reason to want to be assured of your inclusion. Tomorrow you go to surgery. This time your body has not been able to heal itself… or you haven’t given it enough time. Surgery seems the way. You have chosen it, and you want My assistance, for you know it is only a procedure that allows healing to take place in a more complete way. Can I help? Of course. Will I help? You shall see.

As the Scripture affirms I have the power to heal, and you have availed yourself of this in the past. I do not turn away when you elect to have surgery. I am with you, as a shepherd with one of His own. Yet this does not automatically guarantee full recovery of function and from pain. There are many who are fully in My flock who live with imperfections, some from early in life… some experiencing these in later years.

When you last saw your Dad he was functioning rather fully and with vigor. Now he has lost some function, and with that has gone some of his positive attitude toward life. He knows he will not recover, and, in fact, more deterioration may come. My prescription for this condition is, I admit, sometimes hard to fill. I call for an increase in spirit, to compensate for the loss of physical prowess. Spirit does not have to diminish as mind and body do. He is heading for, and is close to, continuing life as spirit, with the imperfect body dropped. The smoothest transition comes when spirit increases in these last months and years. He is safe within the flock, but he needs to give more attention to Me and to the expression of his spirit.

You are younger, of course, and there is more chance that you will have a fuller recovery. Yet you, too, must heed My prescription: faith in Me can being healing… in times of bodily need let your spirit soar. The body has great healing capacity, but My power enhances this. Even so, your spirit must be ready to deal with less than full success. That’s part of earth life, and your spirit knows this.

The 1 John Scripture offers the important corollary: your main task, as one safe in a flock, one of My many, is to love and serve others. You still have responsibilities to your classes. You could just take the easy, medical-need way, but because you love these classes you will give their final written work your attention, as full as possible. You recognize this as fundamental to My notion of health – that you are loving more and showing that love in clear ways to those you love, for expressions of love bring forth love in others, and also in you. It sounds corny and simplistic, but it is a truth.

How many flocks do I have? Are these all Christians, or are My flocks of more diversity? Don’t fret about such questions. Remember that My Word to you is that I am the God of inclusiveness. I have many flocks, and My “Home” is made up of many mansions. I continue to love the unloveable, and because of this many do turn to Me and begin to direct their love to others, including the unloveable. I see it working, amidst other actions that seem more “newsworthy” unfortunately.

SUN., APR. 25, 1994, 5:50 AM

Yes, o son, you are safe in the flock. I, the Holy Spirit Whom I, as Jesus, sent to help struggling humans here in the earth, am with you and tell you this. And now you have a more pressing reason to want to be assured of your inclusion. Tomorrow you go to surgery. This time your body has not been able to heal itself… or you haven’t given it enough time. Surgery seems the way. You have chosen it, and you want My assistance, for you know it is . . .

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