Satan… Again

TUES., AUG. 25, 1992, 5:55 AM

Your read the piece by My long-time servant Billy last evening, and, again, you wondered how and why My message, through him, is so different from what I tell you… at least in relation to satan. Now I have told you that there is both evil and apparent evil here in the earth. Clearly there are actions by people that cannot be linked or equated with Me. Evil forces function in mystical ways to influence human action that is counter to the influence I exert. This is the earth, as We created it… Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

What I emphasize with you is that there is no personification of these forces. I do not call on you to write of satan with a capital S. Billy is one of those who has such a calling, through the piece you read was an exaggeration of this as his message, as most of their stories are. The implication is that this satanic force, even satan himself, is more powerful and influential than I am. And you know I reject this as even an approximation of truth.

There is evil in this earth realm. Just as there is darkness which hindered your search for possibly wandering cows instead of constant light, so there is evil. Just as there is cold that counters pleasant warmth, there is evil. Just as there is a season when the leaves fall and the beauty of the leafed trees is gone, so there is evil. Evil is an “opposite force” that helps to develop spirit, as it gives a “lively quality” to earth life. (I can say it that way because I am fully aware of the true nature of earth reality, and that includes the bold truth that I am Supreme.)

Just as muscles develop by working against some force… an external weight or another opposing set of muscles… so evil is that opposite force that encourages the growth of spirit. The proliferation of machines in your culture has dulled the appreciation of muscle power and all that it can accomplish. Yet muscles that do not have to be exerted against some counter force or weight do not develop, which means certain tasks cannot be completed… even that the body is in danger.

If I carry this analogy too far, it fails, for there are weights and forces that can overcome any amount of muscle power. Not so in the realm of spirit. No power is greater than I, even as it appears that the good I champion is overcome by evil. There are wars going on this very minute, fueled by hate, even of Christian against Christian. There is cruelty. There is dishonestly and trickery. There is much anger. I see all of this. Shouldn’t I… mustn’t I call this evil and fight this force?

Remember how I lived in this earth as Jesus. My birth brought death to other little boys, but I did not grow up to hate this evil. I saw, as a man, the corruption in tax collecting, but I called one of these collectors to be a disciple, one who would write one of the Gospel accounts of My life and teaching.

I was fully aware of the evil power of Rome, but My only wrath was against the Pharisees, who could not accept My message of love and forgiveness. I submitted to cruelty, to pain, and to death of My body, but, lo, I was not overcome by this. And, I say, as evil could not truly harm Me, so it cannot harm you.

I need not explain why Satan, with a capital S, is an important part of Billy’s theology… except to repeat that I do like diversity, even in My servants. Much that appears to be evil is just a disguised way of accomplishing good. For example, certain deaths may be mourned, but the life of survivors is eventually one of more growth… and there must be more deaths, of almost any sort.

TUES., AUG. 25, 1992, 5:55 AM

Your read the piece by My long-time servant Billy last evening, and, again, you wondered how and why My message, through him, is so different from what I tell you… at least in relation to satan. Now I have told you that there is both evil and apparent evil here in the earth. Clearly there are actions by people that cannot be linked or equated with Me. Evil forces function in mystical ways to influence human action that is counter to the influence I exert. This is the earth, as . . .

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