Satan And Evil

MON., OCT. 22, 1984, 6:45 AM

You are reluctant to take up your pen this morning, o son, for you know that a Teaching with this title shall be hard for you to share with some. I must say again: the story I give to you is for you, and, in addition, will help certain other struggling souls. It will be somewhat different from other stories. I just call upon you to hear and learn.

You did well yesterday morning in using the concordance and becoming more familiar with the Biblical passages that refer to satan. (Yes, I do not want the name capitalized.) It gave you the picture that, while there is reference to this personification of evil it is far from extensive and should be seen as fundamentally symbolic. Symbolic of what?

I have created this earth sphere to be a realm of testing and of growth. All that is herein is part of that purpose and can be utilized in My plan. There are evil forces that are part of this place, but none are beyond My control, so as they are evident you must know that I allow, even occasionally encourage. I bless and preserve, most typically, but I also diminish and take away, in order that growth might occur.

The Bible is Truth… Ultimate Truth. But know that Truth comes in many forms, one of which is the one of Me, as Jesus, being tempted by satan. It is a spiritual story, not one of actuality in the flesh. (Obviously no one else was there to record it.) It was a portent of what I was to do and to be as I became the Christ and performed My earth ministry.

The first “temptation” had to do with miracles of transformation. I knew then that these would be within My power, and I had to learn that they must be done for spiritual purposes. I did perform some miracles – I turned water into wine… the life force of earth into My symbolic blood. The important transformation, then, was a spiritual one. I also created bread out of bread. I could have taken stones, but I was aware of not being too dramatic. In this instance a great crowd of people were impressed with what I could do to multiply and magnify the good in their midst. It was a small miracle that taught an important earth lesson – if you share there will be more than if you just strive to take care of yourself.

The second “temptation” was a portent of what I was to face at the end of My earth life. I would be able to save Myself from crucifixion, and I would be so tempted, but I must hold to a purpose that is higher than an extension of earth life. This can be applied to some medical interventions in this time. Preservation of earth life is not the highest good. Giving up a life for the good of others… knowing that life in the spirit continues right along… may be a higher good. The time and place are important.

The third “temptation” does seem a bit silly (for the kingdoms of the earth were not satan’s to offer, let alone be seen), but it did teach that I would have capacities to rule and dominate as a political messiah and that I must remember that this was not My purpose and role. I could have appeased, even charmed the Jewish leaders. I could have led in ways that would have had them proclaim, “Hosanna… the Messiah.” Since I faced that early, and understood it I was not tempted, even on “Palm Sunday.”

MON., OCT. 22, 1984, 6:45 AM

You are reluctant to take up your pen this morning, o son, for you know that a Teaching with this title shall be hard for you to share with some. I must say again: the story I give to you is for you, and, in addition, will help certain other struggling souls. It will be somewhat different from other stories. I just call upon you to hear and learn.

You did well yesterday morning in using the concordance and becoming more familiar with the Biblical passages that refer to satan. (Yes . . .

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