Saving Lives?

THURS., APR. 18, 1996, 8:14 AM

It is convention time, and you are balancing your time and being pretty well. It was nice to be noted, twice yet, as one reintroducing the spiritual as a viable dimension of health. Several conversations were close to dealing with spirit, and I call on you to give such priority tomorrow. Remember that this is the main reason you’re here.

As you would expect at a health convention there is considerable emphasis on saving and extending human life… as if this were a “universal good.” You were reminded of this in the session on women and heart disease. The implication was that if the culture (particularly medical aspects) changed in some ways women would have less heart disease, would not die as quickly as they do now, and, consequently, would live longer. You should be able to imagine how I feel about this.

As you think of this now you consider both your Mother and your Mother-in-law. Both have lived good and productive lives and have served Me, even as the ways were quite different. Neither is requiring much in the way of non-renewable resources, but there is very little purpose in either life now. I’m not averring that both of them should die, but I am ready to welcome each as they cross on over. The point is that this session today implied that it would be desirable for more women to live on into that condition. Women in your culture now outlive men by… 7 years? (I’m not great at vital statistics… and feel no loss with this!) To live even longer would hardly be a blessing.

In your present culture if heart disease in older women were prevented there likely would be more strokes and more cancer, neither of which is a pleasanter way of closing out an earth life. I can’t seem to agree with Cheryl that more research needs to be done, presumably to make prevention programs more effective.

Then there is HIV/AIDS. It would be quite a “stretch” to call this a plague, and I don’t have any particular pogrom against homosexual males, IV drug users, and promiscuous women. I’ve just allowed this virus to infect certain people and to be spread in quite unusual ways. Fifty years from now health personnel may look back and see this as the rather inauspicious commencement of infections that diminish populations… or, at least, their increase. Deaths from AIDS may be presented as catastrophically terrible, but, as you know, they have only a tiny effect on the world population. And where they are most frequent the losses may at least postpone the destruction of the positive ecology.

The perception of your dominant medical/health culture is that death causes the loss of lives, and it would be preferable if most of these could be “saved”. I tell you that lives are not lost, except as the form in a human body. Lives lived in the earth are all evaluated at death, with judgments that involve both Me, in any or all of My “manifestations”, and the spirit of the one who has died. There are many possible judgments, with the extremes being “heavenly” and “hellish”. Yet the purpose is not to simply reward or punish, but to determine what realm would be the most likely to encourage more spiritual growth. I know that a few Scriptures seem to indicate rapture or damnation, for time and eternity, as the only after-death action. I tell you of a much greater range of possibilities, and even the hellish ones may be the right way to more growth.

THURS., APR. 18, 1996, 8:14 AM

It is convention time, and you are balancing your time and being pretty well. It was nice to be noted, twice yet, as one reintroducing the spiritual as a viable dimension of health. Several conversations were close to dealing with spirit, and I call on you to give such priority tomorrow. Remember that this is the main reason you’re here.

As you would expect at a health convention there is considerable emphasis on saving and extending human life… as if this were a “universal good.” You were reminded of this . . .

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