Say It Again, Spirit!

SUN., FEB. 5, 1984, 5:43 AM

My style of teaching, as you are well aware, is characterized by reiteration and repetition. When there is a truth I would have you know and be able to use, I present it, and then again… and yet again. You are aware of this, but if you reviewed these Teachings with some regularity and dedication you would see it quite clearly. You don’t have to plead, “Say it again, Spirit!”… if it is important I shall repeat it. (And, yes, I shall accept this modification in your commitment to Me this month… a Teaching two mornings a week and one dedicated to reading and studying some of these, given but virtually forgotten. That shall be a good balance for this month.)

I shall say again that these Teachings do sound somewhat like you, and I realize that this is the basis for some doubt in people who have this tendency. You know that you are hearing Me and not just “making these up” from your reasonably fertile imagination. I use your vocabulary, syntax, punctuation, and writing style. If I didn’t use yours I would have to use someone else’s… someone who uses the English language as you and those with whom you communicate do. If I have had servants in all ages and in all cultures and virtually all sub-cultures you can imagine the number of languages, thought patterns, and dialects I have used. My “native tongue” is a heavenly, celestial one that you shall understand (again) as you move on into a heavenly realm. What I do is more than a translation, but that still is about what it is. I do not have A style or vocabulary in American English, and king James English is not My native tongue. So, if these meditations sound more like you than like the Bible, that is My intention… I say again.

Are these the End Times? Yes and No. I like the earth as a unique environment in which spiritual growth can and does occur. I have said, through saints and prophets, these times of turmoil and unrighteousness here in the earth shall cease, and I shall reign over a beautiful, righteous kingdom of those who have given their lives to Me. Yes, that could happen, and it is one of My options. But I must say (again) that I am intrigued by this realm with its struggles between good and evil, its evidences of selfishness and selflessness. My Will is being done in that spiritual growth is happening. My Will is infrequently tied up in specific behaviors. And I am NOT losing out to Satan and other real and fictitious powers.

I am ultimately in charge of this earth, but I am permissive in My management, purposely. I might let excessive destruction occur, which would look like the End Time. Or I might tire of the turmoil and purposely let these prophesies be fulfilled. But also remember that in earth time there have been many years and many generations since those Biblical prophesies. Practically speaking these were not meant for these generations passed on. Shall they be fulfilled in your life? Always be ready, but the chances are I shall maintain the earth in its present wonderful, muddled state for your lifetime, at least.

SUN., FEB. 5, 1984, 5:43 AM

My style of teaching, as you are well aware, is characterized by reiteration and repetition. When there is a truth I would have you know and be able to use, I present it, and then again… and yet again. You are aware of this, but if you reviewed these Teachings with some regularity and dedication you would see it quite clearly. You don’t have to plead, “Say it again, Spirit!”… if it is important I shall repeat it. (And, yes, I shall accept this modification in your commitment to Me . . .

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