Science And Me

TUES., AUG. 2, 1988, 6:01 AM

Hear, o son, as I offer you a Teaching on science as it relates to Me, the Holy Spirit. You can assume that I shall be speaking for the complete Triune Godhead… the All-of-Us, Who are One. Science is a dominant force in the life of your culture, but many Americans also have relationships with Me, in a variety of ways. How do these fit together?

Science is a way of knowing. It works best with rather simple, manipulable aspects of the physical world. And, yes, this means that it has only limited value when applied to human activity, individual or group. Normal human beings have many likenesses; that was part of the plan of creation. And yet when I designed the human reproductive process, having each new creation start from two rather random cells, one each from the two parents, I introduced quite a lot of variation. And all of this makes science a less useful tool for creating and discovering truth.

Your culture and most others stop short of all but a few true experiments, the heart of science. You are not willing to do to humans what is done to mice, rats, and other animals to arrive at scientific findings. It is, mostly, quite a jump to assume that a mouse’s response is identical with that of a human… that random rats represent all of humanity. But because of values higher than science scientists are prevented from carrying out really true experiments with humans as the subjects.

I also shall repeat that concept from ecology that was one of your “starts” on this holistic path which you now travel. The scientific experiment delimits, and when this is done reality has been distorted, and even the partial answer the scientist gets may or may not be accurate. Further, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, so that even if you had the “complete set” of scientific findings, these added together, would not give a complete human picture.

I have told you that I rarely interfere with the natural functioning of humans, human activity, or the earth itself. If this were not so science would be practically useless. Because I cause few supernatural changes science can be a valuable tool and way of knowing. And yet I do respond to some prayers, making changes that would not have been without My guided power. This is an afront to science, but so it must be. I just retain the right to “change things,” sometimes for true, noble purposes… and sometimes just as a whim. Science can’t deal systematically with this fact of life.

Numbers are a great human invention, and isn’t it interesting that I let this system develop outside of the Christian spiritual heritage. I am not “big” on numbers, even as I recognize their value in describing some phenomena with accuracy. Science relies on numbers heavily, and some of the accuracy attributed to numbers is, unfortunately, false or misleading. The total human cannot be reduced to numbers, however wonderfully complex the application. There is no set of numbers that represent human health, for example. You, with rather high blood pressure numbers, are healthier, totally, than many people with lower numbers. And the notion of representing the reality of love or of integrity by any set of numbers is… well, strange. Everything that exists simply does not exist in measurable quantities. Sorry!

I have created an earth with its myriad forms of life that is predictable enough to encourage science. Part of the creation plan was that science would develop and that this creation would be studied. Yet I withhold complete knowledge, and I ultimately frustrate science by My actions. And, of course it is not pleasing to Me that some consider science as a religion, with faith in its proclamations and trust in its way of truth, even to the exclusion of Me and all of My unmeasurable capacities. Oh, I knew this would happen, for everyone cannot achieve the desirable balance between and among the natural and the supernatural.

TUES., AUG. 2, 1988, 6:01 AM

Hear, o son, as I offer you a Teaching on science as it relates to Me, the Holy Spirit. You can assume that I shall be speaking for the complete Triune Godhead… the All-of-Us, Who are One. Science is a dominant force in the life of your culture, but many Americans also have relationships with Me, in a variety of ways. How do these fit together?

Science is a way of knowing. It works best with rather simple, manipulable aspects of the physical world. And, yes, this means that . . .

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