Science And Spirit

WED., OCT. 19, 1983, 7:30 PM

Science is a way of knowing that has, theoretically, little room for spirit. Spirit is a quality of being, epitomized in Me, that is not really amenable to scientific study. Are these to be adversaries, then? Hear, o son, as I teach about science and spirit.

As you emphasized tonight, science is represented by scientists, and many of these are sharp in their “put-down” of spirit as a part of the natural world and of people. Spirit is not measurable, and so it is rejected. It could be pointed out that many other aspects of life that cannot be measured are not rejected by scientists… integrity, for example. It is not directly measurable, but it is assumed and desired that all scientists have “it… in full measure” (whatever that may be!).

In your Western thoughts, which tends toward the either/or, spirit (and certainly Spirit) is in the bailiwick of religion, and religion, for many years, opposed the development of science. Hence, it generally assumed that the church is not concerned with matters measurable, and that science is not to be concerned with matter unmeasurable. Those “caught in the middle” are individuals who are scientists by occupation (including mathematicians) and spiritually oriented (including allegiance to Me) in lifestyle.

In the spirit of your final chapter tonight, let us consider the possibility of complementarity. The yin and yang principle refers to conditions that are opposite, that are opposed to one another, and yet are seen as being necessary complements. I have taught you repeatedly about justice and mercy – where usually one excludes or certainly minimizes the other – and yet each is a vital part of My nature.

There is no good reason why spirit needs to deny and exclude the work of science. Since some scientists are persons of spirit, this becomes part (though immeasurable) of the work they do, and so scientific findings have a certain quality of spirit. These conclusions, along with the acceptable processes, are read and utilized by other persons of spirit, which adds another “layer” of spirit. Findings may lead to programs or technological developments that can help people live more fully, and thus they begin to abet the scientific work. Your Mother was benefitted by electric shock, which is a measurable scientific discovery and development. The process affected her brain in some way (not scientifically known, at least with precision), which was beneficial, and which encouraged the return of her spirit, which, as I told you, was gone from her self during the early time of her sickness.

In her case there clearly was a complementarity to science and spirit. It also is immature for science to continue to reject ideas and manifestations of spirit. In a good marriage the partners are different from one another (the gender being an obvious beginning), but neither excludes the other because she or he is different from self. There should be no concerted attempts to make the other like self. If this happens it is because of voluntary change, based on love and a developed spirit.

Spirit can be spirit, and science can be science, and hence there can be appreciation of complementarity. When a scientist of developed spirit commences a project there is greater chance (other factors being about equal) that the project will be successful and that the results will be interpreted in ways that are most beneficial to people. Hence, you see, the rivalry is muted, and each can become helpful to the other. The struggle is kept alive by those scientists who deny and oppose spirit as a concept, a factor, and a reality.

WED., OCT. 19, 1983, 7:30 PM

Science is a way of knowing that has, theoretically, little room for spirit. Spirit is a quality of being, epitomized in Me, that is not really amenable to scientific study. Are these to be adversaries, then? Hear, o son, as I teach about science and spirit.

As you emphasized tonight, science is represented by scientists, and many of these are sharp in their “put-down” of spirit as a part of the natural world and of people. Spirit is not measurable, and so it is rejected. It could be pointed . . .

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