Science And Spirit

THURS., DEC. 8, 1994, 6:47 PM

It has been difficult, again this week, for you to see this time with Me as important as other items on your “schedule.” But here we are, at an odd time, with classes now completed, and cold air descending. I am here, helping with your thinking which may be part of Our next Ruminations. Hear, o son.

Science, as a way of thinking has had a great, and, in My view, an undue influence in your culture, particularly the sub-group of which you are a part. Science says reality is measurable, quantifiable, and knowable by anyone. Obviously, then, what We are doing now has to be judged in several ways. The result is tangible. You have over 50 volumes, so they can be weighed, measured, and objectively analyzed… you don’t present verbal renditions of what you have heard from some disembodied source. My words have been written down, and they can be studied, compared, and pondered.

Yet I have you affirm that these are Teachings from that Holy Spirit of the One True Christian God, Who is also the Holy Spirit for all of humanity, past, present, and future. Can anyone hear in a comparable way what I am saying? You know that Andy (the Andrea one) hears Me, and what she writes is quite similar to what you hear and pen. You also are aware that the messages I have sent for years through your mother-in-law Mabel sound quite different, and have had some content that is different from yours. Is consistency a prime necessity?

Because you have My Holy Scriptures and do generally affirm that these are truth, even TRUTH, it can be trumpeted that what you hear from Me must be consistent with what these Scriptures proclaim. Science looks for consistency, for duplication or replication of findings. Yet science speaks in many “dialects,” with methods of one science not used by another. Science, as applied to humans and human behavior is limited by human rules and regulations. Science may not investigate as it theoretically could. Therefore its findings can never be complete. But it often tends to pretend that they are.

Science can have a discernible spirit. Some of it comes from the spirits of individual scientists, and groups thereof. Spirit may also arise from projects, those that seek to benefit humans while causing little harm. There was spirit in the making of the first atomic bombs, for these had the potential for ending a war that had taken and damaged many lives and would continue to do so. It was a deciding factor in that war’s end, but it killed and harmed many thousands of Japanese, many who were merely citizens of a country rather than active participants. Which was the greater good? It is obvious how your country has felt, but this current stamp controversy represents a spirit of concern for an old enemy, now an apparent friend in the international scene.

The many bombs made after that war’s end have little or no spirit involved… just a product of science and technology. Spirit can be part of any human action and any product… or it can be minimal to absent.

THURS., DEC. 8, 1994, 6:47 PM

It has been difficult, again this week, for you to see this time with Me as important as other items on your “schedule.” But here we are, at an odd time, with classes now completed, and cold air descending. I am here, helping with your thinking which may be part of Our next Ruminations. Hear, o son.

Science, as a way of thinking has had a great, and, in My view, an undue influence in your culture, particularly the sub-group of which you are a part. Science says reality is . . .

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